While half the fun of The Suicide Squad is trying to figure out who will survive to the end of the film, director James Gunn has revealed that he toyed with a character death that may have been too far even for this film.
In an interview with CinemaBlend for the film’s upcoming home video release, Ayer revealed that Suicide Squad once had a much darker ending–not only that, he outlined in detail what would have happened in the alternate version.
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“At the very end of the movie, Ratcatcher 2 had … smuggled in and gotten away with all of that information from Jotunheim, and the rest of the group didn’t know about it. And [Amanda] Waller blew up her head, after they went back to the prison,” Gunn explained, detailing the death of Daniela Melchior’s Ratcatcher 2.
“At which point, Harley tries to talk Bloodsport–Bloodsport’s freaking out, because he’s connected to this person, like a daughter. And he’s freaking out, and Harley is actually being sort of kind, in a weird way, trying to talk Bloodsport into just letting it go. But Bloodsport ends up shooting Waller in the heart with a combustible bullet and threatening to blow her up,” Gunn continues. “It was sort of complicated, but it was something like that. He didn’t shoot her in the heart. He shot her right below the heart with one of the exploding bullets, which we see Peacemaker using earlier in the movie. And so now she has to do what he says.”
While Gunn toyed with this darker version of events, he said that this sequence didn’t even make it into the version of the script that was submitted to Warner Bros. In the final version that made it to film, of course, Ratcatcher 2 manages to survive to the end, and Gunn found another way to show the relationship Bloodsport has built with her.
As to why the alternate ending wasn’t kept in, Gunn had a simple response. “It was just too dark for me. It was really just too dark,” he explained. “It didn’t really work for me. It didn’t really tell the story that I wanted to tell, which is much more about the characters’ different journeys, emotionally. And for me, really, the ending with Bloodsport petting the rat… that, to me, was the perfect ending for the movie.”