Keanu Reeves, the star of The Matrix Resurrections, has been doing the press rounds recently to promote the franchise-reviving film. Beyond just talking about the Matrix, his interviews have also reminded us that Reeves would love to play John Constantine again, seen him express interest in being a part of the MCU, and generally showed him having a lot of fun.
While Keanu Reeves enjoys a lot of popularity with the denizens of the internet–even more so recently after publicly laughing at NFTs–his interviews are once again proving that he himself is very offline. Take his response when asked by Stephen Colbert about the popularity of Keanu memes on the internet:
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One interviewer even asked hin]m about being labeled “the internet’s boyfriend,” which he didn’t exactly have an answer for.
It’s no surprise Reeves is so popular online when you see some of the clips that have gone viral from The Matrix’s various press events, such as this three-second video of the actor exhibiting some very cat-like behavior.
Fans have also been enjoying clips that have surfaced from Reeves appearance on Drew Barrymore’s talk show, which range from deep emotional moments to goofy dad dancing.
Our favorite recent Keanu moment has to be this one from an interview with The Verge about Unreal Engine 5’s The Matrix Awakens experience. Towards the end, the interviewer informs Reeves that a lot of Cyberpunk players wanted to hack the game in order to sleep with his character, Johnny Silverhand. Reeves appears flattered by this revelation, saying “it’s always nice when it’s nice.” He then continued to muse on the potential for VR or virtual porn, ending the interview on a high.