In an unexpected twist at Gamescom Opening Night Live, Good Shepherd Entertainment announced its next game based on a classic comedy horror franchise. Killer Klowns from Outer Space: The Game is coming in early 2023, and you can sign up for the beta now.
Like some recent horror games like Friday the 13th, this will be an asymmetrical online multiplayer game. But true to its inspiration, it will be 3v7, with a trio of murderous clowns (ahem, Klowns) teaming up against seven hapless locals. You’ll be able to choose a variety of character classes, and the announcement notes that the map will constantly shift as you play. It will be released as a live service game. You can sign up for the beta through the official site.
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Now Playing: Killer Klowns From Outer Space Trailer | Gamescom ONL 2022
The trailer showed a brief cutscene of an ’80s kid jamming out before being confronted by the titular clowns, followed by some very brief snippets of gameplay–mostly composed of some very creepy-looking alien clowns skulking around a neighborhood.
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The movie revolves around a band of evil aliens who also happen to resemble clowns, and who come to earth aiming to capture, kill, and eat humans. Though the original movie developed a cult following, it never received a sequel.
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