"Last Big" Cyberpunk 2077 Update Launches December 5

Don’t expect any more huge patches for Cyberpunk 2077 after update 2.1 arrives tomorrow, December 5. IGN reports that CD Projekt Red confirmed this is “the last big update” for the action-RPG.

This comes after the developer unveiled the surprise Cyberpunk 2077 update 2.1 just last week. The patch adds metro tourism, better motorcycles, and boss fight changes. A new trailer for the update–seen below–also highlights the option to listen to tunes on the radio while walking around Night City in addition to replayable car races. Oh, and if you didn’t know, this update launches the same day as the new Cyberpunk 2077: Ultimate Edition.

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Now Playing: Cyberpunk 2077 — Update 2.1 Overview Gameplay Trailer

Previously, CD Projekt Red stated that the team would focus on Cyberpunk 2077’s sequel after the releases of the 2.0 update as well as Phantom Liberty expansion. However, the studio did tease “a little something more” at the time, which is more than likely the 2.1 patch.

The bigger than Adam Smasher Cyberpunk 2.0 update came out in September, followed by the hugely successful Phantom Liberty. CD Projekt Red revealed recently that 4.3 million copies of the expansion have already been sold. Plus, it also received a rare 10/10 score in GameSpot’s Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty review.

GameSpot also has a documentary detailing how the rocky launch of Cyberpunk 2077 led to a structural overhaul at CD Projekt Red. Last month, the studio also disclosed that a ton of people are working on The Witcher 4.

Best Weapons In Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty – Iconic Weapon LocationsSee More

About Evan Campbell

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