Update: The first Trials of Osiris of the season has ended. Here’s a full rundown of what map you’ll face and what rewards you can earn in the Trials of Osiris during the weekend of September 17-21.
The Trials of Osiris are finally back in Destiny 2. The first couple weeks of the Season of the Lost have gone without the weekend competitive mode, but the Trials has come back with a number of adjustments that should make it more approachable for a wider variety of players–not just those who go flawless every weekend.
As always, both the Trials of Osiris rewards and the map are randomized when the mode goes live at 10 AM PT / 1 PM ET on Fridays. The Trials of Osiris ends with the daily reset on Tuesday, so this is your last chance to play.
Map: The Burnout20 rounds won — Pinnacle Trials Engram (seems to be Reed’s Regret, Stasis linear fusion rifle)7 matches won — Pinnacle Trials EngramReputation Rank 10 — Eye of Sol (Kinetic sniper rifle)Reputation Rank 16 — Igneous Hammer (Solar hand cannon)Flawless run — Shayura’s Wrath (Adept), Void submachine gun
(Bear with us, we’re still figuring out how this new Trials rewards system works and will update this post as we know more.)
Trials of Osiris is a weekend PvP mode that runs from the daily reset on Friday until the weekly reset on Tuesday, giving you four days to take part. Your goal in the Trials is for you and the other two players in your fireteam to achieve a “Flawless” run, in which you win seven matches without losing any.
Go Flawless, and you’ll earn a trip to the Lighthouse and receive some special rewards, including the new Adept weapons. These have additional stat bonuses, making them among the most coveted items you can get your hands on.
Thanks to a bunch of changes to Trials this season, though, the mode is a little easier to get into than it has been. The Trials of Osiris now features matchmaking and a freelance mode, so you can jump into matches even if you don’t have a full squad of three players to take it on. Your Trials Passage, the card you purchase from Saint-14 that grants you access to the mode and tracks your wins, now does not track your losses–so you can keep playing and earning rewards even if you lose out on a Flawless run. Bungie has also adjusted Trials so that you earn rewards based on the number of rounds, rather than matches, you’ve won during your session, making it easier to earn some of the Trials of Osiris’s unique loot.
Finally, you’ll earn Trials Engrams for participating in the mode, which you can cash in with Saint-14 during the weekend you receive them. Thanks to the new update, you can tune those engrams to yield specific pieces of loot, rather than receiving random ones from the loot pool. Just make sure you use your Tokens before the weekly reset on September 14, or you’ll lose them.