Latest Cyberpunk 2077 Patch Fixes Common Game-Breaking Bug

Cyberpunk 2077 has received a new hotfix that directly addresses a game-breaking bug introduced in the game’s first big update since launch.

Patch 1.1 for Cyberpunk 2077 addresses numerous performance and gameplay issues, as developer CD Projekt Red laid the foundation for a series of updates scheduled for the coming weeks. The patch inadvertently also broke the game in a new way, preventing progress during a quest that left some players without a way to continue playing.

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Although a workaround was posted shortly after the bug was discovered, Patch 1.11 fixes the issue outright while also adjusting some aspect of loot drops.

The patch is out now on PC, Google Stadia, PS4, and Xbox One, meaning you can continue your adventure through Night City unimpeded–at least as much as the latest patch allows. CD Projekt Red has another big patch in the works, with a release coming in a few weeks. The studio has promised to fix as many issues as possible before moving onto additional DLC for the game, some of which will be released for free.

The frequent updates have stalled work on other aspects of the game, too, including the next-gen patches for PS5 and Xbox Series X. These are scheduled to be launching later in 2021 as a result.

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About Alessandro Barbosa

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