GTA 5 Online is celebrating Fourth of July with new bonuses and rewards. In the new weekly update, players can get extra bonuses from activities like espionage and treasure hunting. And if you’re a player who is into collecting digital fashion, Business Battles is giving out American cultural artifacts like beer hats.
Bonuses And Increased Rewards
Treasure Chests and Hidden Caches: 2x GTA$ and RP. If players need a submarine to participate and hunt for treasure on the ocean floor, the Kosatka submarine is currently 25% off.Mobile Operations Missions and Stockpile: 3x GTA$ and RP. Similar to Hidden Caches, if players require stuff to get started in spy operations, the Mobile Operations Center is discounted 40% through July 7.
Free Item
Log in anytime this week to get a Blaine County Talk Radio Tee.
Car Of The Week
The Lucky Wheel’s top prize this week is the Declasse Hotring Sabre with a Patriot Beer Livery decal. It’s available until July 7.
Not-So-Free Items
In Business Battles, players have a chance of picking up the following sweet, sweet Americana gear: Pisswasser, Benedict, Patriot, Supa Wet Beer Hats, or Statue of Happiness T-Shirt.
50% off the following items:
Vapid LiberatorWestern SovereignCar HornsMusketFirework LauncherFirework AmmoTire/Parachute SmokeFacepaint and ClothingMobile Operation Center LiveriesMk II Weapon LiveryHaircutsMasksPatriot ParachuteAll Bunkers and their Renovations and Modifications (seven days only)
As always, there’s benefits for players who link their Rockstar Games Social Club account with Prime Gaming. Players who do so this week will get GTA$100K.