Latest GTA Online Weekly Update Gives Triple Rewards In Deadline Mode

GTA Online players can get triple rewards for participating in Deadline, an Adversary Mode. All players ride Shotaros that give off light trails that explode upon contact. The objective of the game then is to avoid bumping into these lethal lights and to get other players to cross into the trails. There’s also different power-ups like speed boosts or hop abilities available for players to take advantage of.

In other increased rewards, Meth and Cocaine MC Sell Missions will give double GTA$, and Car Meet’s Pursuit Series will give players double Rep. Additionally, placing top five in the LS Car Meet Series for four consecutive days will get players a free Karin Previon.

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This week’s Lucky Wheel prize is the Nagasaki Outlaw. A free piece of apparel is also Nagasaki-themed: Players can get a white and red hoodie with the words Nagasaki scrawled on the front.


40% off any MC Clubhouses and all Clubhouse Upgrades50% off all MC Resupply costs50% off Cocaine Lockups, Meth Labs, and their Upgrades and Modifications50% off RC Bandito40% off Western Rampant Rocket30% off Vapid Dominator ASP40% off Dinka Vindicator

As always, any players who connect their Rockstar Games Social Club account with Prime Gaming will get GTA$100K for logging on anytime this week. Prime Gaming members will also get the following exclusive discounts, valid through October 20: 35% off the Dinka RT3000 and 65% off the Lampadati Casco.

Grand Theft Auto V’s PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S editions will be released in March 2022. You can also check out our article ranking GTA Games from worst to best, if you’re curious about the history of GTA releases.

About Jenny Zheng

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