Latest Overwatch: New Blood Comic Sees Ana And Pharah Reunited

Dark Horse Comics has released the newest Overwatch: New Blood digital comic which continues the saga of Cole Cassidy.

In this issue, Cassidy gets in touch with Fareeha Amari, aka Pharah, in an attempt to recruit her for Overwatch. This comic also sees Pharah getting back in touch with her absent mother Ana before trouble ensues.

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The first issue was released in November shortly after the renaming of the Overwatch hero Jesse McCree, who was officially re-dubbed Cassidy. The Dark Horse series, which is being written by Ray Fawkes and illustrated by Irene Koh, will take place across five parts and follows Cassidy as he puts together his crew.

Overwatch fans and comic fans alike can check out the latest free New Blood issue here. Since there are five issues in the series, fans can also expect three additional issues to arrive soon.

Cassidy’s name change was implemented following the ongoing harassment lawsuit against Activision Blizzard since the character’s old name was named after and associated with a former employee.

The company recently announced that Overwatch 2 has been delayed until the FY2022 window, meaning the game may not launch until April 2023.

About Demi Williams

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