League of Legends 12.8 Patch Notes: Mid-Season Mayhem

The League of Legends 12.8 patch notes have been released, and there’s a lot of changes to consider as the 2022 Mid-Season Invitational approaches on May 10.

Multiple champions received changes, but the clear winner of patch 12.8 is Swain, the Noxian Grand General. All of Swain’s moves received an enhancement of some kind, from Death’s Hand dealing additional damage to Vision of Empire decreasing in mana cost. His ultimate Demonic Ascension has also been reworked, becoming a more potent move in the later stages of a match.

Other champion changes include Jinx losing 50 points of base health–dropping from 610 to 560–while Vladimir has his base armor stat increased from 23 to 27. The full League of Legends 12.8 patch notes are below.

The 12.8 patch will be the patch used in the 2022 League of Legends Mid-Season Invitational, bringing the top teams from around the world to Busan, South Korea for an international competition. The tournament begins May 10 and runs until May 29.

League of Legends is a 5v5 multiplayer online battle arena with over 150 champions to take into battle, each with their own ability sets. The game is available now on PC.

League of Legnds 12.8 Patch Notes



Passive – Ravenous Flock

Healing From Soul Fragments

Increased from 4/5.5/7% of maximum health to 4/5.5/7%/9% of maximum health (at levels 1/6/11)

Maximum Health Increase Per Soul Fragment

Increased from 5 to 12

Swain can no longer use Passive – Ravenous Flock to pull and rip out Soul Fragments from immobilized enemies (see E – Nevermove)

Q – Death’s Hand


Increased from 55/75/95/115/135 (+40% AP) to 60/80/100/120/140 (+38% AP)

Bonus Damage Per Additional Bolt increased from 8.25/15/23.75/34.5/47.25 (+6/8/10/12/14% AP) to 12/22/32/42/52 (+8% AP)

Maximum Damage (5 Bolts) increased from 88/135/190/253/324 (+64/72/80/88/96% AP) to 108/168/228/288/348 (+70% AP)


Decreased from 9/7.5/6/4.5/3 seconds to 7/6/5/4/3 seconds

Mana Cost

Decreased from 65/70/75/80/85 to 45/50/55/60/65

W – Vision of Empire

Mana Cost

Decreased from 70/80/90/100/110 to 60/65/70/75/80

Pinging W – Vision of Empire will now display a list of visible enemies within range in team chat (similar to Twisted Fate and Nocturne ults)

E – Nevermove

Can now be recast to pull all champions rooted by E – Nevermove, ripping out 1 Soul Fragment from each of them

Swain’s pulls no longer deal damage

Now grants vision of all rooted targets

E – Nevermove’s cooldown is reduced by 20% during R – Demonic Ascension

R – Demonic Ascension


Decreased from 120 seconds to 100/80/60 seconds

Drain Damage Per Second

Decreased from 35/50/65 (+14% AP) to 20/40/60 (+10% AP)

Drain Heal Per Second

Decreased from 20/35/40 (+16% AP) to 15/40/65 (+25%)

No longer grants Swain 125/200/275 bonus health

Active Duration changed from 12 seconds to being based on Demon Power

Activating Demonic Ascension grants Swain 50 Demon Power, which decreases at an initial rate of 10 per second. After 5 seconds of Demonic Ascension, Swain’s Demon Power decreases faster at a rate of 15 per second

Swain gains 20 Demon Power per second while draining enemy champions

After 2 seconds of Demonic Ascension, Swain can recast his ultimate as R – Demonflare. R – Demonflare can only be cast once and does not end Demonic Ascension

R – Demonflare


Increased from 100/150/200 (+50% AP) to 150/225/300 (+60% AP)

Demonflare now slows enemies by 60%, decaying over 1.5 seconds

Demonflare no longer deals additional damage based on health drained


Passive – Traveler’s Call

Bonus Magic Damage On Attack

Increased from 30 (+12 per 5 chimes) (+30% AP) to 35 (+14 per 5 chimes) (+30% AP)

W – Caretaker’s Shrine

Maximum Heal

Increased from 55/95/135/175/215 (+60% AP) to 60/105/150/195/240 (+60% AP)


R – Trueshot Barrage


Changed from 120 seconds at all ranks to 120/105/90 seconds


W – Bountiful Harvest

Heal Percentage Against Champions

Increased from 30/35/40/45/50% to 30/40/50/60/70%

Heal against minions remains at 15%


W – Deadly Flourish

Root Duration

Increased from 1/1.25/1.5/1.75/2 seconds to 1.25/1.5/1.75/2/2.25 seconds

Damage against monsters no longer reduced by 25% (damage against minions unchanged)

E – Captive Audience

Trap Recharge Rate

Decreased from 28/25/22/19/16 seconds to 24/21.5/19/16.5/14 seconds

First Lotus Trap damage no longer reduced by 35% against monsters and summons (damage against minions unchanged)


Base Health

Decreased from 610 to 560


Passive – Second Skin

Bonus Magic Damage Upon Consuming Full Plasma Stacks

Increased from 15% (+2.5% per 100 AP) to 15% (+5% per 100 AP) of target’s missing health

W – Void Seeker

Magic Damage

Decreased from 30/55/80/105/130 (+ 130% AD) (+70% AP) to 30/55/80/105/130 (+130% AD) (+45% AP)

R – Killer Instinct

Shield Strength

Increased from 75/100/125 (+100/150/200% AD) (+75% AP) to 75/100/125 (+100/150/200% AD) (+100% AP)


Q – Null Sphere

Magic Shield

Increased from 40/70/100/130/160 (+30% AP) to 60/90/120/150/180 (+40% AP)

E – Force Pulse

Magic Damage

Increased from 80/105/130/155/180 (+80% AP) >to 80/105/130/155/180 (+85% AP)


Passive – Darkness Rise

Bonus Move Speed

Increased from 3% at all levels to 3/6/9% at levels 1/6/11


W – Steadfast Presence


Decreased from 24/22/20/18/16 seconds to 20/18/16/14/12 seconds

R – Keeper’s Verdict

Uncharged Knock Up Duration

Increased from 0.75 seconds to 1 second

Charged Missile Speed

Increased from 2000 to 2500

Charged Knock Back Distance

Increased from 2400 to 3400

Cooldown Refund Upon Canceled Charge

Decreased from 30 seconds to 15 seconds


Passive – Fury of the North

Frost Armor Timer

Changed from “Sejuani receives Frost Armor after 12 seconds” to “12-6 seconds (levels 1-18)” of not taking damage from enemy champions or monsters


W – Astral Infusion


Decreased from 100/135/170/205/240 (+70% AP) to 100/130/160/190/220 (+65% AP)


R – Hijack


Decreased from 100/70/40 seconds to 80/55/30 seconds


Base Stats

AD Growth

Increased from 3.3 to 3.7

AD at Level 18

Increased from 115.1 to 121.9


Q – Plasma Fission

Magic Damage

Increased from 80/120/160/200/240 (+80% AP) to 80/120/160/200/240 (+90% AP)

W – Void Rift

Initial Magic Damage

Increased from 30/50/70/90/110 (+15% AP) >>> 30/50/70/90/110 (+20% AP)


Base Stats

Base Armor

Increased from 23 to 27


Q – Double Daggers

Damage Per Blade

Decreased from 45/65/85/105/125 (+50% bonus AD) to 45/60/75/90/105 (+50% bonus AD)


Increased from 10/9/8/7/6 seconds to 10/9.5/9/8.5/8 seconds


E – Shocking Orb

Stun Duration

Increased from 0.5-2 seconds (based on distance) to 0.75-2.25 seconds (based on distance)


Q – Paddle Star

Mana Cost

Decreased from 50/55/60/65/70 to 40/45/50/55/60

R – Portal Jump

Mana Cost

Decreased from 50 to 40



Stopwatch will no longer be purchasable if you already own Guardian Angel or Zhonya’s Hourglass

Mythic Content Overhaul

Showcase Milestones

Like Masterwork Milestones last patch, Showcase Milestones grant bonus rewards for purchasing event capsules, though the Showcase Milestone track can only be completed once. We’ve made significant changes to Showcase Milestones since they were originally announced! Showcase Milestones are now the best way to collect content from new Showcase releases.

We won’t document Showcase Milestone tracks in patch notes moving forward, but since this is the first one it’s worth walking through how the system works. To celebrate the occasion, the rewards for Eclipse Knights are a little sweeter than what future showcases will have on offer.

LAUNCH PARTY: When the Showcase begins, everyone will get a mission that rewards 1 Eclipse 2022 Capsule (which counts toward the reward track!) and 1 Eclipse 2022 Grab Bag! This is in addition to the normal free mission chain that launches during Showcase events.

1 CAPSULE :: Eclipse Knight 2022 Icon

3 CAPSULES :: Prestige Eclipse Knight Senna Emote + 5 Mythic Essence

5 CAPSULES :: Random Eclipse 2022 Epic Skin Permanent (Lunar Eclipse Aatrox, Lunar Eclipse Senna, Solar Eclipse Sejuani, Sun-Eater Kayle) + 15 Mythic Essence

10 CAPSULES : Random Eclipse 2022 Epic Skin Permanent + 20 Mythic Essence 15 CAPSULES :: Random Eclipse 2022 Epic Skin Permanent + 25 Mythic Essence

20 CAPSULES :: Random Eclipse 2022 Epic Skin Permanent + Eclipse 2022 Grab Bag + 30 Mythic Essence

25 CAPSULES :: 2 Eclipse 2022 Grab Bags + 30 Mythic Essence

TOTAL REWARDS :: 25 Eclipse Capsules + Eclipse Knight 2022 Icon + Prestige Eclipse Knight Senna Emote + All four Eclipse 2022 Epic Skin Permanents + 3 Eclipse 2022 Grab Bags + 125 Mythic Essence

Prestige Lunar Eclipse Senna

Prestige Lunar Eclipse Senna will be available in the Mythic Shop for 125 ME for the duration of the Eclipse Knights Showcase. (Conveniently, completing the Eclipse 2022 Showcase Milestone track grants 125 ME.) After that, she’ll be unavailable for direct ME purchase but will be added to loot drop and reroll pools without her debut loading screen border.

Adjustments to Masterwork Milestones

Our pre-launch tuning adjustments to Masterwork Milestones slightly undershot longterm Mythic Essence rates. We buffed the final milestone reward a few hours after activation last patch and are documenting it here for visibility.

25 MASTERWORK CHESTS :: 5 Mythic Essence and one 1350+ RP tier skin shard >>> 10 Mythic Essence and one 1350+ RP tier skin shard. We’re also shipping a couple more things this patch to make up for missing the mark.

RETROACTIVE REWARDS :: Players who completed the 25 Masterwork Chest milestone before the update will get 5 Mythic Essence for each time they completed it

FREEBIE :: Everyone will receive a mission granting 10 Mythic Essence

Piltover Clash

Team formation for the second weekend of Piltover Clash began on April 25, and the tournaments will be on April 30 and May 1.

Bugfixes & QoL Changes

Nexus turrets with active Objective Bounties will now correctly have bounty healthbar indicators and display bounty information in chat when pinged

Fixed the bug where Nexus hitboxes were unintentionally larger than they appeared

Fixed a rare bug that would permanently reduce a turret’s resistances if certain conditions were met when plating fell

Being in an enemy turret’s range with an enemy Sion, Kog’Maw, or Karthus passive zombie as it dies will no longer make that turret’s aggro switch to you

Ghost Poros have been restored and will once again grant normal vision, NOT true sight

QoL Change: Illaoi’s E – Test of Spirit will now grant assist credit, even if the Vessel does not take any damage

Fixed a bug where, if you casted Illaoi’s Q – Tentacle Smash during her E – Test of Spirit animation or while she was locked out of her abilities (e.g. in stasis), she would instantly change direction to face your cursor

Fixed a bug where Vessels spawned from Illaoi’s E – Test of Spirit would be invisible if the tethered champion was camouflaged and being revealed by a control ward

Fixed some strange Vessel interactions that would sometimes benefit Illaoi’s enemies upon expiring, like healing them if they had Omnivamp… :3

Fixed a bug where Illaoi’s W – Harsh Lesson-empowered basic attacks would not trigger nearby Tentacles to slam her target if she had an active spell shield

Fixed the bug where Taliyah would not be able to use her Passive – Rock Surfing for the rest of the game if someone broke her Banshee’s Veil spell shield while she was Rock Surfing again

Fixed a bug where, if an enemy champion got DUNKED by Sett’s R – The Show Stopper into Tahm Kench’s R – Devour, they would first reappear at the original Devour point before quickly sliding to the actual Regurgitate destination

Fixed an uncommon bug where Viego could become permanently attached to an ally champion if he possessed Yuumi under certain conditions

Sona will no longer be able to reset her basic attacks against wards by casting an ability while at full stacks of Passive – Power Chord

Fixed a bug where, if Elise casted E – Rappel on herself while an enemy champion was right next to her, she would ascend and immediately descend upon on them despite not having recasted the ability

Fixed a bug where, if you spammed Pantheon’s Q – Comet Spear or Sett’s E – Facebreaker while the ability was on cooldown, it would sometimes cancel your attacks and movements

Black Cleaver’s passive interactions have been fixed so that you will correctly gain only one stack of Carve per basic attack, even if you purchased Titanic Hydra first

Lulu’s interactions with Spellthief’s Edge and Spectral Sickle have been fixed so she will once again receive a stack of Tribute whenever Passive – Help, Pix! damages an enemy champion, too

Rengar will no longer receive a Navori Quickblades stack upon hitting a plant with a Q – Savagery- empowered basic attack

Axiom Arc’s passive has been fixed and will correctly grant Tahm Kench partial refunds on his R – Devour for scoring takedowns

Fixed a bug where Teemo couldn’t gain Manamune stacks if he had ranked up E – Toxic Shot at least once.

Fixed a bug where the Ornn Masterwork items Caesura and Eternal Winter did not grant the correct amounts of AP

Fixed a bug where certain skillshots would not play their hit confirmation SFX if they hit a target in Fog of War

Nocturne’s R – Paranoia VO volume has been fixed and is no longer much louder than intended

Ivern and his jungle friends are on speaking terms again. In other words, his jungle camp interaction VO lines have been restored.

Upcoming Skins & Chromas

The following skins will be released in this patch:

Lunar Eclipse Aatrox

Sun-Eater Kayle

Lunar Eclipse Senna

Prestige Lunar Eclipse Senna

Solar Eclipse Sejuani

Solar Eclipse Sivir

Gangplank the Betrayer

Sea Dog Yasuo

The following chromas will be released this patch:

Lunar Eclipse Aatrox

Lunar Eclipse Senna

Solar Eclipse Sejuani

Solar Eclipse Sivir

Sun-Eater Kayle

Gangplank the Betrayer

Sea Dog Yasuo

About Jason Fanelli

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