League Of Legends Newest Champion Is An Emo Artist

Riot has revealed the next champion who will be added to League of Legends‘ extensive roster: Hwei, the visionary. The new champ is a mid-lane mage with a complex kit themed around painting and a brooding, emo design.

In the lore, Hwei is an Ionian champion who uses art both to confront criminals and comfort their victims. He is haunted by his own overwhelming creativity and troubled past, which would explain his brooding design. Perhaps unsurprisingly, Hwei also has history with one of League of Legends’ most art-obsessed champions, Jhin.

Gameplay-wise, Hwei has a complicated kit that will be of more interest to high-level players than casual fans. With three different spellbooks to choose from, making up a total of 10 unique spells that can be cast, Hwei’s abilities have been compared to marksman Aphelios’s famously complicated kit.

Hwei has the option of three spellbooks: Disaster, which is primarily for dealing damage, Serenity, which has support and healing abilities, and Torment, which provides crowd-control abilities. Hwei’s ultimate is called Spiralling Despair, which can attach to an enemy champion to create an AOE zone of Despair, slowing and dealing magic damage to enemies caught within the area.

Coming as part of patch 13.24, which is live now on the PBE for testing, Hwei’s first available skin will be part of the seasonal Winterblessed skin line.

Hwei was revealed at the League of Legends 2023 Worlds Finals, which saw Korea’s T1 defeat Weibo Gaming 3-0 to take home the team’s fourth world championship title.

In other League of Legends news, the popular Netflix show Arcane, which is based on the League of Legends universe and lore, just revealed that its second season will arrive in 2024.

About Hayley Williams

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