League Of Legends: Wild Rift 3.0 Update Patch Notes–Game, Sett, Match

The 3.0 patch notes for League of Legends: Wild Rift have been released, and along with a brand-new Champion comes a new way to play LoL on the go.

The new hero is Sett, a leader in the Ionian criminal underground. Sett is a Fighter class champion, using abilities like Knuckle Down to buff his attacks and Facebreaker to attack multiple enemies at once. Sett joins the Wild Rift roster on January 26.

Also coming to Wild Rift in the 3.0 patch is a returning mode called Ultra Rapid Fire (URF). This is a faster, more streamlined version of the core League of Legends experience that allows Champions to access their special attacks more often than usual, resulting in full matches running about half as long as usual. The URF map this time around will have a Lunar New Year theme, which will also be celebrated through limited time skins and accessories. The full League of Legends: Wild Rift 3.0 patch notes are below.

League of Legends: Wild Rift launched in March 2021 as a mobile alternative for the extremely popular League of Legends. The game features the same 5v5 multiplayer online battle arena as its predecessor, only with a smaller roster and multiple gameplay changes, including smaller maps and different item usage.

League Of Legends: Wild Rift 3.0 Patch Notes

New Champion

Sett, The Boss

A leader of Ionia’s growing criminal underworld, Sett rose to prominence in the wake of the war with Noxus. Though he began as a humble challenger in the fighting pits of Navori, he quickly gained notoriety for his savage strength, and his ability to take seemingly endless amounts of punishment. Now, having climbed through the ranks of local combatants, Sett has muscled to the top, reigning over the pits he once fought in. Sett will be released on January 26 at 00:01 UTC.

New Features

Guild vs Guild Season 2

Wuju like to go on a new adventure with your guildies? If so the time is now, because Guild vs Guild S2 is here and we’re heading to Ionia! We think this new location’s scenery will charm you, but a new location doesn’t just mean new scenery. It also means new rivalries to explore, a new Trophy Track filled with Ionian goodies, and of course new friends to be made!

Along with the new season we’ve also made some updates to Trophy Points, making them a bit easier to earn:

3 group community missions → 2 group community missions1 solo accessible community mission → 2 solo accessible community missionsTrophy Track levels 1-25 lowered by 25%

Guild vs Guild Season 2 will be available on January 24 00:01 UTC.

Lunar New Year Map

It’s not a proper celebration without some decorations, now is it? We’ve adorned the bases on Summoner’s Rift with festive lanterns and banners, and when your game starts you’ll even get to enjoy a firecracker show!

Voice Chat

We’re bringing back a test version of voice chat with your premade team! If we see issues, we will be taking it back into the lab before we go worldwide. We are starting offin the Americas, with other regions to follow. Please read more about the return of voice chat in our recent post, here!

Gifting Changes

We recently made some changes to how gifting works to combat fraudulent purchases.

Daily Gifting Cap: 5 per day → 2 per dayFriend Requirement: 72 hours being friends → 2 weeks being friends

Wild Pass

We wanted this Wild Pass to pack a punch and blow everyone away. We thought the best way to do that would be with some sort of heroic gesture or maybe even a grand entrance. Thankfully the Winds of War gave us a hand with that, and have blown Hexplorer Galio right into this Wild Pass! He’ll be your reward for completing it, and there are plenty of other rewards along the way we hope you’ll be a fan of too. Wind will this Wild Pass be available? Wild Pass will be available on Jan 19 at 00:01 UTC.

New Modes

Ultra Rapid Fire (URF) – It’s time to get those spatulas out and start doing your thumb exercises, because Ultra Rapid Fire Mode (URF) is making its return! URF’s map will also be decked out for the Lunar New Year. URF will have the same lanterns, banners, and firecrackers featured on Summoner’s Rift, but we’ve also given the cannons and their effects a festive look!


Releasing January 19 @ 00:01 UTC: Firecracker JinxHexplorer GalioRadiant WukongWarring Kingdoms GarenWarring Kingdoms ViReleasing January 26 @ 00:01 UTC Firecracker Diana*Firecracker SettFirecracker Teemo*Firecracker Tristana*Firecracker Xin Zhao*

*These skins will be available from 1/26 – 3/1


You can earn or purchase accessories from a bunch of different sources. Please check the relevant page in game for more information on how to get ‘em!

Baubles – Kunai Help You? (Onyx, Silver, Teal, Gold, Pearlescent); Gyoz-AHH!; Golden Roar; Gargoyle; Do Not Push; Ring Ring; Light ‘em Up

Icons – Smile, It’s A New Year!; Reach For Luck; Heroic Hexploration; Master of the Sword; Cutting Looks

Rift Emblems – Ionian Standard (Amethyst, Azure, Amber, Jade); Don’t Shoot; Caution: Kraken

Player Emblems – Pride of Ionia (Earth, Light, Spirit, Flame)

Icon Border – King of Beasts; Hexplorer’s Wings

Profile Borders – Winged Protector

Emotes – Need a Little Luck?; *NOM*; I’m So Pumped; OOOOOH; YOU!; This Isn’t Over; I’ll Protect You!; Twinsies; Pfffffahaha; Not.Now; KA-POW; Everything’s Ruined; Mind: Blown; You See That?; Hi Hello Hi!

Loading Screen Borders – Firecracker Jinx; Radiant Wukong; Warring Kingdoms Garen; Warring Kingdoms Vi; Firecracker Diana; Firecracker Sett; Firecracker Teemo; Firecracker Tristana; Firecracker Xin Zhao

Spawn Tags – Hunting Stripes

Custom Recalls – Sparklers; Endless Fighting; Grey Skies Are Gonna Clear Up

All accessories will be released throughout the patch.


Name That Champion! – It’s Evelynn. It’s definitely Evelynn. Or… it’s Ahri. Wait, no. It’s Olaf! Olaf is my final guess…I think? Either way, name that champion returns with mini games, rewards, and more guesses for you to take that are surely better than ours.

The Name That Champion! event begins January 20 at 00:01 UTC

Lunar Banquet – The fireworks are starting, so hurry up and grab a seat at the table and enjoy the celebrations!

The Lunar Banquet event begins January 26 at 00:01 UTC

Champion Changes

Dr. Mundo

The Madman of Zaun has been loose on the Rift, tearing through his opponents in the Baron Lane left and right. While we still want Dr. Mundo to go where he pleases, he’s a bit too resilient to poke and winning some fights he shouldn’t, so we are dialing his madness back just a tad.

Base Stats Base health regeneration: 12 → 9Health regeneration per level: 0.81 → 0.68


Ezreal’s damage has been lacking a bit. We want him to shift his way back into that premier caster marksman spot, so we’re giving him some more damage on his Mystic Shot.

(1) Mystic Shot AD ratio: 110% → 120%


Jax has been dominating the jungle in highly skilled games. To combat this, we are scaling his passive differently to slow down his clear speed, while giving him some extra health regeneration to help his solo laning.

Base Stats Base health regeneration: 9 12Health regeneration growth: 0.55 → 0.81(P) Relentless Assault Attack Speed per stack: 2.4%+ level × 0.6% → 3/5.5/8/10.5% (at levels 1/5/9/13)


While we want Kayle to outs-kayle her opponents, she’s still just a bit too strong in the late game. We want her to be a bit more vulnerable to burst later on, so we’re bringing down her scaling durability as well as some of her damage.

Base Stats Health per level: 105 → 95 (P) Divine Ascent Wave damage: 15/20/25/30 + 20% AP → 12/16/20/24 + 15% AP (3) Starfire Spellblade Passive damage: 15/20/25/30 + 20% AP → 12/16/20/24 + 15% AP

Miss Fortune

Miss Fortune has strutted a bit over the top with recent buffs, so we’re pulling back on some of the power we gave her back when she was underperforming.

(2) Strut Bonus movement speed gained over time: 45/55/65/75 → 35/45/55/65Total bonus movement speed: 70/80/90/100 → 60/70/80/90


We’re continuing to monitor this sinister sister after some recent bugfixes. In the meantime, we’re going to help speed up her jungle clears for players looking for a new AP option.

(1) Dark Binding [BUGFIX] Fixed a bug where the root duration of Dark Binding was not reduced by tenacity.(2) Tormented Shadow Damage to monsters: 150% → 200%


Riven has been struggling everywhere except for in the highest levels of play. We are cautiously giving her some leeway so she’s not exiled from the laning phase after a trade gone wrong.

Base Stats Base health regeneration: 7.5 → 9Health regeneration per level: 0.55 → 0.68


Despite recent nerfs, Tryndamere is still one of the most dominant junglers across all skill levels. To reduce his clear speed and overall mobility in the jungle, we’re removing the cooldown reduction that Tryndamere gains toward Spinning Slash when landing critical strikes against monsters.

(3) Spinning Slash Critical strikes reduce the cooldown of Spinning Slash by 1s, doubled against champions → Critical strikes against minions reduce the cooldown of Spinning Slash by 1s, doubled against champions

All Random, All Mid (A.R.A.M.) Changes


Damage received: 0% → -10%

Aurelion Sol

Damage received: 0% → -10%


Damage received: -15% → -20%


Damage dealt: 5% → 10%Damage received: 0% → -5%


Damage dealt: 0% → –10%Damage received: 0% → 10%


Damage received: -15% → -5%


Damage dealt: 0% → 5%Damage received: 0% → -5%


Damage dealt: 0% → -5%Damage received: 0% → 5%

Nunu & Willump

Damage dealt: 0% → 10%


Damage dealt: 0% → -10%


Damage dealt: 10% → 0%


Damage dealt: 0% → 10%


Damage dealt: -10% → -5%Damage received: 5% → 0%

Death Timers

After 11 minutes all death timers will cap at a maximum of 45s.

Ultra Rapid Fire (U.R.F) Changes


Damage dealt: 0% → 5%Damage received: 0% → -5%


Damage received: 0% → -5%


Damage received: 0% → -5%


Damage dealt: 0% → 5%Damage received: 0% → -5%


(P) Hextech Munitions Package initial spawn timer: 4 min → 2 minPackage respawn timer: 2:30 min → 1 min


Damage dealt: 0% → 5%Damage received: 0% → -10%


Damage received: 0% → -5%


Damage dealt: 0% → 5%


Damage dealt: 0% → 5%Damage received: 0% → -5%


Damage dealt: 0% → -10%Damage received: 0% → 5%

Miss Fortune

Damage dealt: 0% → 5%

Nunu & Willump

Damage dealt: 0% → 8%Damage received: 0% → 10%Healing effectiveness: 0% → 10%


Damage dealt: 0% → 5%Damage received: 0% → -8%


Damage received: 0% → -10%


Damage dealt: 0% → 5%


(P) Damnation – Gain 2 souls per pick-up


Damage dealt: 0% → 5%Damage received: 0% → -10%

Gameplay Changes


Edge of Night – Edge of Night is a powerful item in situations where it should be strong, but it’s also just a good early game item for many champions. We’re increasing its total cost to require a little more farming if you want to pick it up as a first or second item.

Combine cost: 800 → 950Total cost: 3000 → 3150

Essence Reaver – Lately, Essence Reaver has been falling a bit flat. Most of the time it is only slightly better than other options, even for the champions that should be highly invested in the stats and unique effects that it grants them. We are going to give it some extra power to make it a more compelling option in a wider variety of scenarios.

Attack Damage: 40 → 45Mana restore per attack: 2% missing mana → 3% missing mana

Hextech Megadrive – Hextech Megadrive is not offering as much cooldown refund for enchanters as we’d like, so we’re reducing the cooldown on the refund to allow more access to this mechanic for support champions with cooldown heals and shields.

(P) Tinker – Refund cooldown for heals and shields: 5s → 3s

Rune Changes

Domination: Brutal – Brutal has been well… dominating the Domination tree lately. The rune offers one of the best early game benefits, as well as a lot of mid to late game power with its bonus magic and armor penetration. To combat its dominating presence, we are removing a bit of that mid to late game power that it provides.

7 bonus attack damage and 2% bonus armor penetration, or 14 ability power and 2% bonus magic penetration (adaptive) → Gain 7 bonus attack damage or 14 ability power (adaptive)


Jungle Monsters – Ever get tilted that you missed a smite because Baron leveled up in the middle of combat? Us too. We’re fixing it.

Monsters that level up in combat no longer gain current health from the level up

Extra Bits

Added a new set of login rewards for new playersFor tournament organizers, added the ability to surrender custom games at 0:00 to fix any draft or lobby issuesAdded in the ability to hide timeline

Free-To-Play Champion Rotation

Jan 20 – Jan 26: Akali, Evelynn, Morgana, Pantheon, Rakan, Rammus, Vayne, Veigar, Wukong, Xayah

Jan 27 – Feb 2: Alistar, Corki, Jayce, Katarina, Kennen, Nunu & Willump, Orianna, Rengar, Senna, Varus

About Jason Fanelli

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