League Of Legends: Wild Rift Marksman Guide – Tips, Tricks, And Top Champions In The Class

If you’ve never played League of Legends before but wanted to give it a shot, the mobile version League of Legends: Wild Rift is a perfect way to jump in. The core experience has been ported beautifully to mobile devices, with a healthy roster of champions spanning six different classes. This guide focuses on Wild Rift’s marksman class, a great class for those who like to jump into a skirmish headfirst.

League Of Legends: Wild Rift marksman guide

Marksmen are powerful attackers, but they like to do their damage from a distance. This class isn’t for players who want to get up in an opponent’s face; Marksmen wait for the perfect moment to take the shot.

Because of this, marksmen are best at destroying objectives around the map, like towers or the Nexus at the end of a match. They can hold their own against fighters and tanks, but assassins move too quickly to allow a marksman to set up, resulting in one dead marksman most of the time.

Here are some of the best marksmen in League of Legends: Wild Rift and their ability sets.


Role: Marksman/Mage

Varus is one of many champions that use a “stack” of a certain debuff in order to enhance his own abilities. In this case the debuff, Blight, will explode whenever Varus successfully lands an ability, dealing extra magic-based damage. It’s a major part of Varus’s offense, but he doesn’t gain access to it until the second ability is unlocked, so keep him out of harm’s way until it’s time to release the Blight on the other team.

Passive: Living Vengeance

Every kill or assist boosts Varus’s attack speed, with the boost increased if the defeated enemy is a champion.

Ability 1: Piercing Arrow

Varus readies his bow, then fires an arrow. The range and damage of the projectile increase the longer he prepares the shot.

Ability 2: Blighted Quiver

Passive: Varus’ basic attacks deal additional magic damage and add stacks of Blight. Successful attacks with Varus’s other ability cause the stacks of Blight to detonate, inflicting extra magic damage dependent on the enemy’s maximum health.Active: Varus’s next Piercing arrow deals additional damage.

Ability 3: Hail of Arrows

Varus shoots a hail of arrows into the air, dealing physical damage when they come down. The arrows also create a zone of “desecrated ground,” which slows an enemy’s movement speed and health regeneration if they walk on it.

Ultimate: Chain of Corruption

Varus shoots a tendril at an enemy that deals damage, creates a full stack of Blight, and roots the enemy in place. If another enemy champion is nearby, the tendril attacks that champion as well.


Role: Marksman/Mage

Ezrael is one of the faster marksmen on the roster thanks to the Rising Spell Force ability that slowly boosts his attack speed. The Essence Flux/Arcade Shift combo is a huge damage dealer, while the Mystic Shot’s effectiveness can build up in a hurry if used against a champion. If you want your marksman to do a ton of damage quickly, Ezrael is the guy.

Passive: Rising Spell Force

Ezreal’s attack speed increases with every successful spell, up to four times.

Ability 1: Mystic Shot

Ezreal shoots an energy bolt in a designated direction, dealing damage and decreasing the move’s cooldown if it hits an enemy champion.

Ability 2: Essence Flux

Ezreal shoots an orb into the field that will stick to the first enemy it makes contact with. If Ezreal then attacks that enemy, the orb will explode for extra damage.

Ability 3: Arcane Shift

Ezreal teleports to a designated spot and immediately fires a homing shot at a nearby enemy champion. If an enemy champion has the orb from Essence Flux stuck to it, this move will target that champion.

Ultimate: Trueshot Barrage

Ezreal charges up, then fires a massive blast of energy that damages all enemies it passes through. Damage is reduced for affected minions and smaller monsters.


Role: Marksman/Assassin

Some marksmen use guns, bows, or bolts of energy to deal their damage. Kai’Sa here prefers a more direct approach, deciding that missiles are the most effective weapon. Her multiple missile attacks, coupled with the Plasma mechanic that can boost her damage output even more, make her a powerful choice if you’re thinking about using a marksman.

Passive: Second Skin

Kai’Sa’s basic attacks stack Plasma, which increases magic damage inflicted on an enemy with each stack. Additionally, items purchased by Kai’Sa will also upgrade her basic spells.

Ability 1: Icathian Rain

Kai’Sa shoots multiple homing missiles that deal damage to nearby targets.Enhanced: More missiles are shot when this ability is activated.

Ability 2: Void Seeker

Kai’Sa fires a single long-range missile that will reveal and mark all enemies stacked with Plasma.Enhanced: Successful attacks also add a stack of Plasma and decrease cooldown.

Ability 3: Supercharge

Kai’Sa charges up energy that increases her movement speed, then increases her attack speed.Enhanced: Kai’Sa temporarily gains invisibility.

Ultimate: Killer Instinct

Kai’Sa dashes toward a single enemy with at least one stack of Plasma, gaining a shield in the process.


Role: Marksman

Caitlyn is one of the easiest marksmen to use in all of Wild Rift. She’s a sharpshooter with a few traps up her sleeve that can tilt a skirmish in her favor, making her a prime choice if you want to stand back and take ranged shots from afar. Also, hitting a Headshot when you’re not expecting one is always a great feeling.

Passive: Headshot

Caitlyn’s basic attack is enhanced every so often, becoming a headshot that deals bonus damage scaling with her critical strike change stat. If the enemy hit with the Headshot is trapped or netted, the attack range of the enhanced basic attack is doubled.

Ability 1: Piltover Peacemaker

Caitlyn takes 1 second to prepare a shot, then shoots a penetrating shot that deals physical damage to a single target. The shot can pass through the target and hit other enemies, though any enemies affected after the first one take less damage.

Ability 2: Yordle Snap Trap

Caitlyn sets a trap that will root the enemy champion that triggers it to the ground. Caitlyn’s next basic attack will be a boosted Headshot.

Ability 3: 90 Caliber Net

A heavy net is fired into the arena, slowing any enemy that it contacts. The recoil of the shot knocks Caitlyn back.

Ultimate: Ace In The Hole

Caitlyn aims a single shot at an enemy champion, dealing massive damage on hit. Other enemy champions can be damaged by the shot if they stand between Caitlyn and the target.


Role: Marksman

Corki’s most effective characteristic is his unpredictability, with a bit of luck factoring into his overall damage output. Valkyrie is an effective move on its own, but it’s way more effective when “The Package” is in play. Even his Ultimate depends on how many missiles have been stored, as “The Big One” needs to be considered when using it. Corki is far from straightforward, but he can be a real pain for an enemy team if given the chance.

Passive: Hextech Munitions

Corki can sometimes find “The Package” inside his base, giving him extra movement speed while boosting his Valkyrie ability. Some of Corki’s basic attack damage is converted into magic damage.

Ability 1: Phosphorous Bomb

Corki shoots a bomb at a designated location, dealing magic area-of-effect damage. If an affected enemy is hidden, this attack will sometimes reveal them.

Ability 2: Valkyrie

Corki flies above the arena and drops bombs that create a trail of fire. The bombs deal damage, and the trail of fire damages enemies who stand in it over time.Special Delivery: If Corki has “The Package” when Valkyrie is activated, he flies in the air longer, all enemies hit with bombs are knocked aside, and the trail of fire slows enemies while dealing damage.

Ability 3: Gatling Gun

Corki fires his gatling fun in a cone shape in a designated direction, dealing damage while reducing the affected enemy’s armor and magic resistance.

Ultimate: Missile Barrage

Corki fires a missile stored over time at a designated spot, exploding on impact and dealing area-of-effect damage. Every third missile fired will be a “Big One” that deals extra damage.

About Jason Fanelli

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