The iconic duo of “the video game industry” and “leaked secrets” has allegedly struck again, as footage of what is purported to be a brand-new franchise in the PlayStation portfolio has leaked onto the web.
According to the Reddit post hosting the footage, a new project, which industry insider Dusk Golem has nicknamed “Ooze,” is in the works. The author of the post does not specify which studio is working on it, only saying that it’s “based in Europe.” A follow-up image posted to ResetEra implies the studio could be Outriders dev People Can Fly, as the word “Red” on the leaked footage’s HUD matches an internal codename shown on a PCF slide deck.
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The game is allegedly a sci-fi themed RPG developed entirely in Unreal Engine 5 in partnership with PlayStation for the PS5. The footage shows a futuristic game where a character aims a gun at a massive structure that appears to have tentacles sticking out of it. The footage has been archived and is unable to be viewed as of this writing.
Dusk Golem also said the footage is real on ResetEra, but also said that the full game “is at least at a point currently [sic] the game is fully voice acted, [with] music composed specifically for it, [and it has] been far more fine-tuned than this clip.”
As for officially confirmed PlayStation news, last week at CES the company announced Project Leonardo, a new accessibility-focused controller kit, as well as PSVR 2 versions of both Gran Turismo 7 and Beat Saber.
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