Leaked GTA Trilogy Achievement List Includes Self-References And Memes

The achievements for the Grand Theft Auto Trilogy: The Definition Edition have allegedly leaked and they seem to contain a few references to old GTA secrets and memes. The list, which was data mined from Rockstar’s PC launcher, contains the type of achievements you would normally expect, like completing missions and amassing a ton of money, but a few achievements seem to be references.

As reported by Kotaku, all three achievement lists were shared on GTA Forums by user alloc8or, complete with both the achievement names and descriptions. The GTA San Andreas list includes two meme references, one of which originated in San Andreas. One of the achievements is titled “…Here we go again” which is a reference to the meme of C.J. saying the line in GTA San Andreas. The achievement is for starting a new save file after getting 100% completion on an earlier save file. The other GTA San Andreas meme achievement is “They Can’t Stop All of Us” for sneaking into the underground base without setting off the alarm in the “Black Project” mission. This is a reference to the Storm Area 51 meme where some people “attempted” to storm the military base.

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Another GTA San Andreas achievement references an achievement in Red Dead Redemption’s Undead Nightmare DLC, which was itself a reference to the original release of GTA San Andreas. The achievement is titled “81 Years Too Late” and is earned for spending 24 hours in the countryside on foot looking for Big Foot. The name of the achievement refers to the year when Red Dead Redemption takes place, and to the achievement called “Six Years In The Making” which was earned by finding and killing Big Foot. The achievement was referencing a rumor about GTA San Andreas, which came out six years before Red Dead Redemption, which said that Big Foot could be found in the game–which wasn’t true.

Grand Theft Auto Trilogy: The Definitive Edition is set to release later this year PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, Nintendo Switch, and on PC through the Rockstar Games Launcher, with mobile versions arriving in 2022.

About James Carr

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