Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga – Accessibility Options To Consider

Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga has everything you need to have an out-of-this-world time alone or with a friend. It even has a host of accessibility options that can help make your brick-breaking battle across the galaxy feel the right way. Instead of being out of step with the Force, take a look at how you can adjust The Skywalker Saga’s display and behavior to your individual needs. After all, you won’t uncover all of the secrets of Star Wars if you’re not one with the Force. Here are some of the best accessibility options that are worth considering for your playthrough of Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga.

1. Subtitles

The scrolling words that play at the beginning of each film’s story section are great, but I need to read throughout the whole game. If you’re like me and also need subtitles on to have any idea of what’s going on, you’re in luck. Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga lets you turn on subtitles for the entire game, as well as changing how the words look and display on-screen, so you can get things exactly the right way. You’re gonna need it too, with nine whole movies to take in. Unless, you’re a fan of classic Lego theatre, in which case, there’s Mumble Mode.

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2. Automatic Health Recovery

Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga can get chaotic fast, especially during some of the more large-scale battles or some of the more intense one-on-one encounters. Enabling Automatic Health Recovery in the accessibility options will give you more time to breathe in the moments you need it. It’s also perfect if you’re more interested in the ride itself, and less so on bumping into things along the way. It also combines nicely with another thoughtful inclusion, which is Fall Recovery.

3. Fall Recovery

There are some big heights in the Star Wars universe and you’re probably going to fall down a lot. It’s hard not to sometimes with an exciting adventure constantly in front of you. And you can double-jump! It’s easy to fall to death and into bits and pieces in Lego games, which is both funny and frustrating. Enabling Fall Recovery in the accessibility options removes fall damage entirely and allows you to just keep moving. Borderlands was right in removing fall damage and I feel no shame in always enabling it when more games, such as this one, allow me to. Thank you, Traveller’s Tales.

4. Changing Quick Taps

The Quick Taps in The Skywalker Saga are relatively forgiving, especially compared to the PS2 era, but they’re still tricky for some players, and that’s okay. Thankfully, you’re given two options that both improve this relic from the QTE era. You can set Quick Taps to a Hold setting, which allows you to instead hold down button prompts, rather than tapping the button until an on-screen meter is filled.

Alternatively, you can also just turn these prompts into normal buttons. Setting Quick Taps to the automatic setting changes taps and holds into single interactions. This means more jumping, slashing, and using the power of the force instead of playing with Switches. Unless you’re playing on your Nintendo Switch, that is.

5. Hints, In-Depth Aim Assist, and Motion Blur

There are a lot of features to discover in The Skywalker Saga but maybe you want to learn it all on your own. Adjusting how hints are delivered will give you that freedom, though it’s easy to get lost without the assistance of hints or a protocol droid. Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga is packed with content though and you’ll likely learn everything there is to know before you’ve finished seeing all there is to see. Set hints the way you’d like for a more optimal experience.

The Aim Assist options are nice too. I actually found myself appreciating the Near-Target Slowdown quite a bit, especially during some of the more frantic battles. Having the reticle slow down when it’s near a target made it a lot easier for me to focus on all of the action and less on lining up every single shot. The stormtroopers are realistically bad at aiming so you may enjoy yourself without it. Still, it’s a good option and worth trying out.

Motion Blur and Camera Shake are immersive and exciting for some but distracting for others. I often find myself disabling both of these as soon as possible so I was pleased when The Skywalker Saga let me do just that. When combined and used intentionally, accessibility options can make playing games more exciting, rewarding, and entertaining for all of us. Don’t forget to take a good look through all of the accessibility options before starting your journey.

Video games are meant to be fun, especially Lego games, so make sure everything is set just the right way for your optimal experience. This includes cheat codes, which are a must; don’t tell me you aren’t a little curious about unlocking characters from the Star Wars Holiday Special.

About Juno Stump

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