Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga – How To Play Co-op

Lego games have always been known for their couch co-op action and Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga is no different. You can watch our final preview with the game to see if you’re ready for more Lego antics, but if you have a co-op partner at home then you probably already have your answer. While you can’t add another player into The Skywalker Saga right away, it doesn’t take long by any means. Here’s how to play co-op in Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga.

Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga co-op

After hitting start on the main menu, you will be brought to the Episode Select screen. Choose the episode where you and your partner would like to play to load up the action. Turning on a controller on this screen won’t allow you to do anything outside of accessing system functions, but you can get it out and ready for the next screen.

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Now Playing: LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga – Launch Trailer

You’ll need to wait until you have control of your character before your partner can join, which means you have to enjoy Lego’s signature, silly cutscenes. Once any cinematic magic is finished playing out, hit Start on a second connected controller to add your friend into the brick-based action.

After hitting start on the controller, your game will move to split-screen and giving you both the power to fight against–or for–the dark side. The Skywalker Saga looks to be a much bigger game, in terms of both content and number of missions, which should make it a good and lengthy co-op adventure.

Whenever player two is done playing, just hit start on their controller and make your way over to Drop Out at the bottom of the pause screen. Selecting it will remove player two from in the game, and provide a full-screen view to player one once again.

Does Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga have online co-op?

Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga does not support online multiplayer of any kind, so make sure your friend isn’t in a galaxy far, far away before making plans to take on the galactic empire together. Perhaps online support could come in a future update, though this has never been a feature in previous Lego games, so it would appear unlikely. The Skywalker Saga did face delays and crunch during its long development, but who knows if future, additional features are planned along with the paid DLC, which has already started to see release. Regardless, it seems like Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga is packed with features and unlockables that should keep everyone busy for quite some time.

About Juno Stump

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