Let's Talk About The Starfield Discourse | Spot On

Sigh. It’s been a long week on the internet.

The Starfield review embargo is up and discourse around it has been running wild–just look at the comments on our review. But in the midst of all this chatter, we can’t help but think about how much it distracts us from us having meaningful conversations about games and truly enjoying them. Though someone else’s opinion on a game can’t take away any of the joy you experience while playing it, going into a game with anger, defensiveness, or cynicism can absolutely sour the time you spend with it.

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Now Playing: The Starfield Discourse | Spot On

This week on Spot On, Tam and Lucy discuss the damaging impact negative discourse can have and why focusing only on this negativity and feeding into the console wars can take away the excitement of new releases. The two also discuss Baldur’s Gate 3, and how, for a while, that game was swallowed by discourse, to the detriment of the discussion around it.

Spot On is a weekly news show airing Fridays in which GameSpot’s managing editor Tamoor Hussain and senior producer Lucy James talk about the latest news in games. Given the highly dynamic and never-ending news cycle of the massive video game industry, there’s always something to talk about but, unlike most other news shows, Spot On will dive deep into a single topic as opposed to recapping all the news. Spot On airs each Friday.

About Tamoor Hussain

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