Like A Dragon: Infinite Wealth Release Date Set For January 2024

Sega has confirmed that Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth will officially launch on January 26, 2024, for PC, PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X|S, and Xbox One. The direct sequel to the seventh mainline game in the series before its renaming made things slightly confusing, Like a Dragon once again stars former Yakuza Ichiban Kasuga as he heads to Hawaii to search for his long-lost mother. Kasuga won’t be alone in his mission, as he’ll be joined by longtime Like a Dragon protagonist Kazuma Kiryu, whose days might finally be numbered after he reveals that he has been diagnosed with cancer.

With a limited number of days left, Kiryu aims to help Kasuga find his mother so that he can atone for the sins of his past. The only catch here is that local gangs are out in force and are also hunting for Kasuga’s mother. Like Yakuza 7, Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth uses an RPG battle system inspired by Kasuga’s love of Dragon Quest, which developer Ryu Ga Gotoku says has been refined to be more strategic for the sequel.

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Now Playing: Like A Dragon: Infinite Wealth – Official Story Overview And Release Date Trailer

Several new job classes such as Samurai, Desperado, Geodancer, Pyrodancer, Housekeeper, Action Star, and Sujimancer have been added, and when things look dire, you can once again call in for a powerful assist from your Poundmates. If you ever wanted to see a giant man-baby or homicidal lobsters wreck local gangsters, then this game will fulfill that bizarre request.

Like several other Ryu Ga Gotoku-developed games, there’ll be plenty of minigames to dip into when you’re not focused on the main storyline. One of these new games is Crazy Delivery, which looks like Crazy Taxi meets the gig industry as Kasuga performs deliveries in style while on a bicycle. Sujimon looks like Pokemon meets pro wrestling and Karaoke is back for anyone looking to sing their hearts out.

Before Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth arrives, Yakuza fans can prepare themselves for the interquel Like a Dragon Gaiden: The Man Who Erased His Name on November 9. Set between the events of Yakuza 6: The Song of Life, Yakuza: Like a Dragon, and Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth, The Man Who Erased His Name follows Kiryu as he wrestles with ghosts from the past and wields a wild selection of gadgets in combat, and it comes with special trial version of Infinite Wealth that contains exclusive scenes.

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About Darryn Bonthuys

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