Link And Zelda Are "In A Relationship With Each Other" Says Voice Actress

Princess Zelda voice actress Patricia Summersett has said that Link and Zelda are “in a relationship with each other” in Tears of the Kingdom. Warning: minor spoilers ahead for The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom.

In a recent interview with TheGamer, Summersett reflected on her time voicing the iconic role of Hyrule’s princess in Breath of the Wild, Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity, and Tears of the Kingdom. She also offered her own insight into the relationship between Link and Zelda, saying that the interim between Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom allows a deeper interpretation from players due to the time skip.

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“As a voice actor, looking at the overall relationship between Link and Zelda over the ages, I personally love the ambiguity and that if there is something there it’s left to us,” Summersett said. “I guess in my own life, I can respect and celebrate relationships that aren’t conventional.”

In Tears of the Kingdom, players are able to return to Hateno Village to Link’s house, which now contains several possessions owned by Zelda, as well as only one bed, leading players to speculate that the two are a couple. Zelda even has Link’s hair tie in her private study, which the player can pick up.

“It also dodges the ending, and you’re always wondering what may occur which keeps the relationship active,” Summersett added. “There’s a tension in that, and this defiance of a definition is something really nice… I know that [Link and Zelda] are in a relationship with each other, it’s active, there’s a lot of care and a lot of listening, and I just love that about it.”

In GameSpot’s The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom review, Steve Watts said, “Tears of the Kingdom is a triumph of open-ended game design that pays homage to the best parts of the Zelda franchise’s own storied history–and sometimes exceeds them.” Here’s our Tears of the Kingdom guides hub will help you on your journey back to Hyrule.

Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom – All Amiibo RewardsSee More

About Demi Williams

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