The animated cult classic show Gargoyles may come to life as a live-action Disney+ series in the future. A new report states that Annabelle and IT writer Gary Dauberman is spearheading a remake of the 1990s cartoon with James Wan’s production company Atomic Monster.
According to The Hollywood Reporter, Dauberman–who also directed Annabelle Comes Home and the upcoming Salem’s Lot–will write and serve as showrunner on the Gargoyles live-action remake. He’ll also executive produce the Disney+ series with Wan, as the duo previously worked together on the Annabelle and Nun film franchises.
The original Gargoyles ran for three seasons and 78 episodes from 1994-97. Taking place in New York City, the cartoon saw the eponymous characters be “stone by day, warriors by night,” even teaming up with a police officer named Elisa Maza. The show also featured a talented voice cast, including Keith David, Ed Asner, and Jonathan Frakes. Gargoyles has been available to stream on Disney+ since the streaming service started in 2019.
Meanwhile, Gargoyles Remastered will launch later this week on October 19 for PC, PS4, Switch, and Xbox One. The game is based on the 1995 Sega Genesis title and even features the option to switch to the original’s 16-bit graphics.
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