Lords Of The Fallen – Where To Use The Pilgrim's Perch Key

Exploration is an important facet in Lords of the Fallen, as you’ll soon realize whenever a dozen or so doors seem to be locked. Thankfully, you won’t need to worry about one particular area, since we’ve got you covered. Our guide discusses the Lords of the Fallen Pilgrim’s Perch Key, the locations you can unlock, and the rewards that you can earn.

How to get and use the Pilgrim’s Perch Key in Lords of the Fallen

The Lords of the Fallen Pilgrim’s Perch Key can be purchased from Captain Stomund, a vendor NPC in the Skyrest hub. It costs a whopping 9,500 vigor/souls, so you’ll need to farm a bit just to acquire it. We don’t recommend prioritizing it early in the campaign since it’s more important to level up your character’s stats.

In any case, once you do have the Pilgrim’s Perch Key, you’ll be able to unlock four doors in that particular zone. We’ve listed them down in the order that we discovered them.

Pilgrim’s Perch Door #1

Location: Use the Sanctuary vestige waypoint and head past the chamber where you fought Scourge Sister Delyth. You should see the door to your right as you go through a tunnel.Rewards: Sacred Resonance armor set – This armor set offers high physical defense and slight resistance against holy damage.

Pilgrim’s Perch Door #2

Location: From the Bellroom waypoint, climb down the ladder to where you rescued Gerlinde the Blacksmith.Rewards: Warrior’s Claw – This amulet increases your physical damage and defense.

Pilgrim’s Perch Door #3

Location: At the Bellroom waypoint, you’ll notice a large door carved between the cavern’s walls.Rewards: Various – Simply put, this takes you on a long trek to the upper levels of Pilgrim’s Perch where you’ll eventually fight a miniboss known as the Sacred Resonance of Tenacity (i.e. a guy wearing a large bell for a helmet). This path also leads to the Manse/Leprosarium zone, and two more beacons.

Pilgrim’s Perch Door #4

Location: You’ll spot a locked door in the chamber where you fight the Sacred Resonance of Tenacity.Rewards: Adyr’s Hardiness – This Inferno spell grants a buff for your character.

That does it for our Lords of the Fallen Pilgrim’s Perch Key guide. Bear in mind that Captain Stomund will leave the Skyrest hub after you’ve purchased this item, though you’ll see him again upon reaching the back courtyard of the Leprosarium of the Hallowed Brothers. If you want to know how long it takes to complete all the objectives in the story, you can check out our campaign length/how long to beat guide.

About Jason Rodriguez

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