Lords Of The Fallen Technical Showcase Shows How Unreal Engine 5 Brings It To Life

CI Games released a new Lords of the Fallen trailer highlighting how Unreal Engine 5 will bring the game to life. This technical showcase trailer was released alongside Game Developers Conference 2023, an annual event that focuses on the art of creating video games.

The nearly four-minute-long trailer shows off Lords of the Fallen’s robust character creator, detailed assets, dynamic clothing, complex real-time lighting, and other features.

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Now Playing: Lords of the Fallen – Technical Showcase | State of Unreal

The video also offers a look at the game’s two worlds, Axiom, the realm of the living; and Umbral, the land of the dead. As CI Games explains, developer Hexworks was able to utilize Unreal Engine 5 to create these two vastly different worlds side-by-side, making them feel more unified. It’s unclear if you’ll get to traverse between these two worlds on the fly within the game, but Unreal Engine 5 will seemingly allow Hexworks to get as close to its vision as possible.

Lords of the Fallen is a sequel to the 2014 game of the same name. The sequel was initially called The Lords of the Fallen before CI Games dropped “The” from the title. This action-RPG will play a lot like the Souls games, with melee combat at the forefront.

It’s unclear when Lords of the Fallen will launch, but it’s aiming for a 2023 release window.

The 8 Best Souls-Like Games To Play In 2022See More

About Joseph Yaden

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