After its announcement in 2016 and drop from the public eye, Lost Soul Aside has returned with a new gameplay trailer, revealing that it will now be launching on the PlayStation 5.
Lost Soul Aside was originally revealed in 2016 by its sole developer Yang Bing, who had made the game entirely from Unreal Engine assets. Other trailers for the game have been released in 2017 and 2018, but neither managed to garner as much attention as its reveal. As of writing, Lost Soul Aside’s reveal trailer has nearly four million views.
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Now Playing: Lost Soul Aside – 18 Minutes Of New Gameplay (2021)
The gameplay trailer for Lost Soul Aside, which debuted last week, shows off the game’s blend of Final Fantasy and Devil May Cry mechanics. Kazer, the game’s main protagonist, fights against a white-haired man with a golden sword in its first moments. The ensuing battle has both characters throwing out massive attacks that spawn dozens of magical swords and fling rays of energy.
This first encounter also shows off the influence Devil May Cry has had on Lost Soul Aside. Kazer attacks his opponent with multiple lengthy combos in which he transforms his crystal dragon companion into different weapons. That companion’s other utilities are shown off later in the trailer when it morphs into a hoverboard and even a pair of wings for Kazer.
Thanks to the attention Lost Soul Aside received after its reveal trailer debuted, and thanks to a Sony initiative called the China Hero Project, Bing is no longer the sole developer on Lost Soul Aside. He has been able to pick up additional developers, forming the studio UltiZero Games.
Lost Soul Aside doesn’t have a release date just yet, but it will be heading to the PS5. That’s in addition to its releases on PS4 and PC.