Madden NFL 24 – Indianapolis Colts Roster And Ratings

Once again, it’s time for a new year of Madden. With the Madden 24 player ratings being unveiled last week, we now have a complete picture of how each team’s roster will shake out to begin the season. Of course, some controversy has been stirred up over the ratings, but that’s to be expected with a fan base as passionate as the NFL. In this guide, we’re breaking down the complete Indianapolis Colts roster, including overall (OVR) ratings for every starter and the team’s best players. Here’s what the Colts look like for the launch of Madden 24.

Indianapolis Colts roster and ratings for Madden 24

The Colts come into Madden 24 featuring only one player rated 90 or better. Their best player is left guard Quenton Nelson, who kicks off this year with a 92 OVR rating. For a full look at the team’s starters, check out the lineup below.

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Did the Madden team whiff on any of its ratings? Remember, these are just the launch ratings, and players will receive adjusted OVRs throughout the football season.

Colts Starters

Player Name Position OVR
Anthony Richardson QB 70
Jonathan Taylor HB 89
Michael Pittman Jr. WR 85
Isaiah McKenzie WR 77
Alec Pierce WR 74
Mo Alie-Cox TE 73
Bernhard Raimann LT 74
Quenton Nelson LG 92
Ryan Kelly C 77
Danny Pinter RG 65
Braden Smith RT 82
Grover Stewart DT 85
Taven Bryan DT 70
Samon Ebukam RE 76
Kwity Paye LE 77
Shaquille Leonard LOLB 86
E.J. Speed MLB 69
Zaire Franklin ROLB 73
Kenny Moore II CB 84
Julius Brents CB 74
Julian Blackmon FS 75
Nick Cross SS 71
Matt Gay K 80
Rigoberto Sanchez P 76

Did the Madden team whiff on any of its ratings? Remember, these are just the launch ratings, and players will receive adjusted OVRs throughout the football season.

About Joey Carr

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