Madison Blue Achievement And Trophy Guide – All Blue Photograph Locations

There are a couple of special collectibles to gather in Madison: red photographs and blue photographs. While the red ones are scattered across the entire game, including in places that you can miss entirely, the blue ones only show up during one section of the game: the part where you’re trying to avoid Blue Knees. Since completing the Blue Knees puzzle locks you out of this part of the game, here’s a handy guide for finding all of them while you’re listening to the same annoying song repeatedly. Here’s where to find all blue photo collectibles in Madison.

Blue Knees will warp the reality around you, reconfiguring the house into a foreign maze. To find your way around, it’s a good idea to look at the layout in a linear configuration. You have one hallway that leads into the central square, then exiting out the living room will take you to another linear hall.

The first one to find is in an area that represents the green hallway you begin the game in. At the end of it, where you would normally enter the TV room in reality, it’s instead a dead end. However, on the wall is a conspicuous blue polaroid. Take a picture of it to collect it.

Once you’re in the central area, you’ll find a Virgin Mary statue. On her basin is stuck one of the blue photographs.

The blue picture is a bit harder to spot in your Grandfather’s office. It’s hanging on the bulletin board, blending in amongst the other fliers and pictures hanging there.

The attic is where things get a little more difficult. The blue square is hanging above the only window in the room, high above everything else. It can be difficult to pick out from the shafts of moonlight. Wait, I thought it was raining outside.

Finally, you can find one of the blue polaroids in the room that resembles the basement where you find the crowbar. This one hangs up in the rafters near the door. It’s another easy one to miss, as it’s easily obscured depending on where you’re trying to view it from.

With all the photographs in hand, you’re then free to complete the Blue Knees section and continue on. Note that if the sightless monster bothers you too much, you can snap a photograph of him to chase him off for a little while. Enjoy that hard-earned achievement or trophy.

About Zoey Handley

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