Major Battlefield 2042 Map Changes Are Coming, But Not Until Season 1

Battlefield 2042 will receive substantial map changes in the future based on community feedback, with the first of those changes arriving as part of the game’s first season.

In a new blog post, Battlefield community lead Adam Freeman outlined all the feedback DICE has gathered from the game’s community and the changes it will be making as a result, with most of those changes initially revolving around Battlefield 2042’s Renewal and Kaleidoscope maps.

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Fans have complained about a number of issues on these maps, ranging from the distance between objectives being too long, the lack of cover or objects to break line-of-sight, lack of clear paths between objectives, and the maps feeling too clean. Players have also complained about the game’s 128 player modes feeling too chaotic.

All of those concerns are being addressed. Objectives are being moved to reduce travel time, more cover is being added, terrain is being adjusted to block line-of-sight, and more direct paths from one objective to another will be introduced. There will be visual improvements as well. In response to the map objectives feeling too clean and seeming to have little to no strategic value, areas will receive visual updates to make objectives feel “ready for battle.” In one example given by DICE on how it’s accomplishing this, the B1 gazebo on Kaleidoscope will be turned into a barbed wire-covered military installation.

When it comes to Battlefield 2042’s 128-player modes (available in the PC and current-gen console version of the game), DICE will be reducing the number of attack vehicles in any category from three down to two. The cooldown for attack vehicles and helicopters will also be longer, and more popular vehicles like the MC5 Bolte and the MD540 Nightbird will be moved into attack vehicle categories.

All of those changes will be coming in the near-future. The vehicle changes to the game’s 128-player modes will come in Battlefield 2042’s next update, but the more substantial map changes for Kaleidoscope and Renewal will be coming as part of Season 1. DICE will be updating the rest of Battlefield 2042’s launch maps with much of the same feedback in mind, but those changes won’t be coming until Season 2. Other changes being considered include restricting the call-in system to only light vehicles and the ranger and increasing the size of flag areas to spread out combat. DICE is looking for more feedback in regards to those two changes specifically.

DICE will also be looking for feedback in regards to the game’s controversial Specialists in the coming weeks, stating that they are seeking to “improve their gameplay” and how they “fit into the world of Battlefield 2042.”

Battlefield 2042 recently received an in-game scoreboard update that now shows kills, deaths, and assists, as well as adjustments to aim assist on consoles. EA and DICE are reportedly already working on the next installment of the Battlefield franchise, having learned “valuable lessons” from Battlefield 2042’s lackluster launch.

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About Cameron Koch

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