Kabam Entertainment has announced a new limited-time event for Marvel: Contest of Champions that will take players into the Multiverse of Madness with Doctor Strange and two of his closest associates.
Wong and Rintrah will be joining the battle as part of this update, both using their mystic power to aid them as they fight. Wong’s moveset includes a punch that travels through a portal and the Beam of the Octessence, while Rintrah uses multiple abilities that increase his strength throughout the course of a fight.
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Now Playing: Marvel Contest of Champions Trailer
Doctor Strange himself will also be available as a free addition to the roster of all players who log in between now and June 8. His moveset was not shown during the trailer, but we did get a brief look at his character model shrouded in darkness.
Marvel Contest of Champions is a 2D fighting game featuring heroes and villains from across the Marvel universe. The game is available now on both iOS and Android devices. Doctor Strange: The Multiverse of Madness will release May 6 in theaters nationwide, following the Sorcerer Supreme as he tries to navigate the multiverse with the help of Scarlet Witch, America Chavez, and more.