Marvel Snap's New Conquest Mode Ups The Stakes Next Week

Marvel Snap will introduce a new game mode next week, the challenging single-loss tournament Conquest Mode. The new mode will open on June 13, letting you compete for tickets to trade for a series of prizes, with one special bit of profile swag as the ultimate prize.

On June 13, you can enter the Proving Grounds of Conquest Mode, where a single win will earn you a Silver ticket. At the Silver level, you’ll need to win two games in a row to earn a Gold ticket, and then at the Gold level you need three wins in a row to earn an Infinite Ticket. That will gain you access to the Infinity Conquest, which is only open for the last week of the season. To win the Infinity Conquest, you need a whopping five wins in a row.

Working your way through Conquests earns you special tickets that can be spent for prizes in the Conquest shop. The ultimate prize for the Infinity Conquest is an exclusive Infinity Avatar border, which gives the avatar you used during your Conquest a unique space effect for bragging rights. Conquest battles use the Battle Mode format, which means you’re playing the same opponent through multiple rounds, with health at stake instead of cubes.

If you lose a Conquest battle you’ll have to start back from the beginning by buying your way in with in-game gold. Conquest Mode will reset at the start of each season.

Second Dinner chief development officer Ben Brode appeared on stage at Summer Game Fest to announce talk about the game and tease the mode, which was first teased during the announcement of the new Spider-Versus season.

“For our most competitive, high-skilled players, we wanted to give them the ultimate challenge with Conquest,” Brode said in an announcement. “Players can now find out who truly is the best of the best and worthy of ultimate Marvel Snap glory. What’s also super cool about Conquest is that the Proving Grounds can double as a great way to try out new decks, as Conquest has no impact on a player’s Marvel Snap season rank.”

Summer Game Fest 2023: The Biggest Games AnnouncementsSee More

About Steve Watts

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