Marvel's Avengers Begins Its First Tachyon Anomaly Event Next Week

As part of the Marvel’s Avengers long-term plans that were revealed last month, the first Tachyon Anomaly event will begin next week on April 22. Unlike every other mode in the game where strike teams are made up of four unique Avengers, Tachyon Anomalies allow players to form teams that can potentially all be made up of the same character.

Players can also matchmake into teams that contain the same Heroes, which means that some missions could feature an Iron Legion of armored Avengers firing repulsor blasts, a team of Captain Americas all slinging their shields at the same target, or if you’d prefer ultimate destruction, a gang of Hulks smashing everything in their path. The Tachyon Anomaly event won’t be a permanent addition to Marvel’s Avengers, as it’ll only run until May 3.

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During these two weeks in which the mode is active, there’ll be a weekly mission chain that rewards Hivemind set gear and daily missions that reward priority set gear for high-level heroes. Animated temporal Assault nameplates are being added as a reward for the first completion of the weekly mission chain and can be used on any hero.

The following hero-specific animated nameplates will be available in the marketplace:

April 22 – 29 – Thor, Hawkeye, Black Widow, HulkApril 29 – May 6 – Iron Man, Captain America, Ms. Marvel, Kate Bishop

In addition to that, new daily Tachyon Rift Missions will be open for heroes between power levels 1-100. These missions are usually reserved for players whose Avengers are at level 140+, and only one of these missions is available every week. Tachyon Rift missions reward players with powerful cosmic-level gear that can allow heroes to regain health points when they attack enemies, and can be unlocked once the SHIELD Substation Zero Mission Chain in the Pacific Northwest zone has been completed.

The rest of the content coming to Marvel’s Avengers looks promising, which includes The Red Room Takeover event in spring, a Destiny-like Patrol Mode set in the Future Wasteland, and a Cosmic Cube event in the summer. Beyond that, the next character being introduced to Marvel’s Avengers is Black Panther in the War for Wakanda event, but there’s still no word on when the PlayStation-exclusive Spider-Man will be added to the game.

About Darryn Bonthuys

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