Marvel's Avengers PS5 And Xbox Series X Graphic Enhancements Detailed

March 18 will see Marvel’s Avengers upgraded on PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S with next-gen improvements. New details have now been shared on exactly what those improvements consist of on Sony and Microsoft’s respective platforms, and if you’re playing on PS5, you’ll have a choice to make regarding resolution versus frame rate.

On Sony’s console, Avengers will run in one of two modes: Highest-Performance Mode renders the game at checkerboard 4K and 60fps, while 4K Mode has a native 4K resolution and an unspecified frame rate.

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On Xbox Series X, the only option available is a Native 4K mode, while Xbox Series S will have a Native 1440p resolution option. It’s not clear yet which frame rate the Xbox Series X will support for the upgraded version of Avengers. All next-gen versions will have significantly faster load times according to Square Enix’s official charts, improved lighting features, higher resolution textures, and cross-gen save file support.

Marvel’s Avengers PS5 next-gen upgrades

Cross-gen matchmakingCross-gen save file importSignificantly faster load timesImproved frame rate (vs. PS4)Higher resolution texturesImproved heroics and armor destruction (vs. PS4)Stochastic screen-space reflectionsContact-aware sharpeningHigher-resolution translucencyImproved ambient occlusionImproved anisotropic texturingSpatial audioHaptic feedback

Marvel’s Avengers Xbox Series X next-gen upgrades

Cross-gen matchmakingCross-gen save file importSignificantly faster load timesImproved frame rate (vs. PS4)Higher resolution texturesImproved heroics and armor destruction (vs. Xbox One)Stochastic screen-space reflectionsContact-aware sharpeningHigher-resolution translucencyImproved ambient occlusionImproved anisotropic texturing

The next-gen upgrades will also conclude the two-part Hawkeye storyline, adding the original Avengers archer to the team in the Future Imperfect operation. Clint Barton’s mission to stop a Kree invasion takes place across time itself and will see the Avengers clash with the Hulk’s malevolent future incarnation known as the Maestro.

Barton’s skill set is similar to that of his protégé Kate Bishop aka also Hawkeye, who was added to the game at the end of 2020. The key difference here is that Barton has a much larger selection of arrows in his quiver, which includes boomerang arrows, implosion arrows, tripwire shots, rocket arrows, pulsar arrows, nightstorm arrows, recovery arrows, and even an AI-guided arrow that can strike multiple targets as part of his ultimate ability.

Most importantly, Lucky the Pizza Dog will also make his debut next month:

The upgrade patch, Hawkeye, and the Future Imperfect operation will all be free content when they arrive in March.

About Darryn Bonthuys

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