Marvel's Avengers To Introduce Jane Foster: The Mighty Thor

A future update to Marvel’s Avengers will add Jane Foster as The Mighty Thor, a new playable hero. The new hero is two updates away, coming as part of Update 2.5, so for now the studio is only teasing her arrival, rather than sharing much specific information. Alongside the reveal, it also detailed the upcoming 2.4 update.

According to the update, the Mighty Thor will share some traits in common with the existing Thor design, but she’ll have her own suite of moves and elements as well. That would appear to make her and Thor similar to the two Hawkeye designs–Clint Barton and Kate Bishop–that were introduced in a two-part expansion story. Timing wasn’t announced for Jane Foster, but the 2.4 update is aiming for May so it will be sometime after that.

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Now Playing: MCU Phase 4 & Beyond Revealed: Fantastic 4, Thor: Love and Thunder And More

The timing of the announcement, at least, seems strategically paired with the recent trailer drop for Thor: Love And Thunder. That trailer ended with our first look at Natalie Portman as Jane Foster’s Thor, complete with Mjolnir. You can check out more Easter eggs and details in our full Thor: Love And Thunder trailer breakdown.

Most of the blog broke down the details of the 2.4 update, which will focus on system improvements and in-game events. The update will rework event rewards so that each event gives gear from different sets, event missions reward structure to earn cosmetics, provide higher power level gear rewards for meta objectives, and adjust meta objective rewards to give gear for your entire roster. More details will be coming closer to the update release date.

Every Upcoming Marvel Movie And TV Show, From Both The MCU And SonySee More

About Steve Watts

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