Mass Effect, Dragon Age DLC Goes Free On PC As EA Sunsets BioWare Points

EA has announced that its archaic BioWare Points are being retired, in turn making DLC for a range of games free.

In an email from EA (via PCGamer), the publisher announced that BioWare Points will no longer be available to use as a form of currency in the Origin store, starting October 11, 2022. “Other currencies like Crystals and Platinum in other BioWare titles remain unaffected,” reads the email.

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As a result, DLC for Dragon Age 2, Dragon Age: Origins, Mass Effect 2, and Mass Effect 3 (except multiplayer packs) are being made free. The email also notes that for the next 90 days, BioWare Points can be used to buy Mass Effect 3’s multiplayer packs, but after October 11 they’ll only be redeemable using credits earned in-game.

EA also made it clear that all previous purchased content using BioWare Points will still be yours.

All of the Mass Effect 2 and 3 DLC was included in the Legendary Edition, but if you’re yet to pick it up but do own the original games on Origin, you can get the bigger expansions completely for free.

The method of acquiring BioWare Points could be frustrating, as one pack would contain 800 points, and you couldn’t get specific amounts. This meant you would normally have to buy more than one pack, resulting in a surplus of points you couldn’t do anything with unless you bought more.

BioWare officially gave Dragon Age 4 a proper title this year, Dragon Age: Dreadwolf, though it doesn’t currently have a release date in sight.

About Oisin Kuhnke

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