Mass Effect Legendary Edition: Remaster Vs ME1, ME2, And ME3 Screenshot Comparison

Mass Effect: Legendary Edition remasters BioWare’s original Mass Effect trilogy. In order to give you a better idea of just how much of a transformation we’re talking about, we’ve compiled several comparison screenshots.

As the original Mass Effect is getting the most out of the remaster in terms of updated character models and locations, you’ll likely notice the major differences in those screenshots. That said, there are noticeable improvements for Mass Effect 2 and Mass Effect 3 in the Legendary Edition as well–also, surprisingly, BioWare has changed the shot for certain scenes in ME2 and ME3. You’ll see what we’re talking about in the compilation below, with certain scenes being a lot more zoomed in than how they appeared in the original trilogy.

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Now Playing: Mass Effect Legendary Trailer Vs Originals, Side By Side Comparison

For the sake of convenience, all of the screenshots on the left side of the comparison are from the original trilogy (which were taken from the PC version of the game), while those on the right are from the Legendary Edition. We’ve listed the screenshots in order by which they appear.

Table of Contents [hide]Mass EffectMass Effect 2Mass Effect 3

Mass Effect

Mass Effect 2

Mass Effect 3

Mass Effect Legendary Edition is scheduled to launch for Xbox One, PS4, and PC in May. Alongside the Legendary Edition, BioWare is also working on a fifth Mass Effect that acts as a direct follow-up to the original trilogy, Dragon Age 4, and a revamp to Anthem. However, EA is reportedly meeting to decide whether Anthem is still a project worthy of further resources.

About Jordan Ramée

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