Mass Effect Legendary Edition Replaces Tali's Stock Photo Face With A More Natural Portrait

Mass Effect 3 had no shortage of romantic partners that you could count, and after a brief fling on the Normandy, your Shepard would have a reminder of their one true love in the form of an artistic framed picture in their sleeping quarters. For fans of the character Tali, this picture was an extra special memento as it showed the Quarian without her trademark mask on. In Mass Effect Legendary Edition, that picture is still there but Tali’s face from the 2012 game has been swapped out for an image that’s more in line with her character and race.

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The new image features Tali’s face now only partially uncovered, and her skin tone has lost the purple hue of the original photo for a more greyish tone. Here’s the new picture, from “Maxgoods” on Reddit:

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Now Playing: Mass Effect Legendary Edition Has HUGE Changes

Back in 2012. Tali’s original unmasked appearance resulted in a small controversy. Developer BioWare had used a stock image by photographer Matthew Leete, which was then modified to appear more alien. Some fans at the time pointed out inconsistencies in the image and Tali, such as several of the model’s fingers clearly having been photoshopped off, and the small fact that without her protective suit Tali should have been dead within minutes after the glamorous portrait shot was taken.

For newcomers to Mass Effect, Quarians have to live their entire lives while dressed in a protective enviro-suit as their weak immune systems cannot handle germs and microbes outside of sterile environments. If you’re looking to earn this new photo of Tali, you’ll need to play through both of her character arcs in Mass Effect 2 and Mass Effect 3 to successfully romance her. Unfortunately, only male Shepard can date her.

Mass Effect Legendary Edition is currently doing very well since its release last week, having reached a concurrent player figure on Valve’s PC storefront that has broken new franchise records. This won’t be the last that fans see of Mass Effect either, as BioWare is also working on a new game in the series which still in an early stage of development.

For more on the remastered trilogy, you can check out GameSpot’s Review in Progress for Mass Effect Legendary Edition.

About Darryn Bonthuys

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