Mass Effect: Legendary Edition Side-By-Side Shows Visual Enhancements

Mass Effect: Legendary Edition brings the entire Mass Effect trilogy together with tons of DLC and quality-of-life enhancements. The most noticeable new feature for most players will probably be the visual upgrades, and BioWare is showing that feature off in detail.

The Mass Effect Twitter account put out a brief side-by-side video of the jungle world of Virmire from the original Mass Effect. It slowly pans around the environment, letting you see the greater level of detail in the trees and swampland. You’ll also notice the changes to the UI, as BioWare has changed it to be more reflective of later games for consistency.

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Now Playing: Mass Effect Legendary Edition Has HUGE Changes

The tweet forwards to the official site, where you can use a slider to check out some other key scenes and even a nice close-up of the new skin textures on Thane.

The Legendary Edition includes just about everything from the trilogy, with two exceptions. The Pinnacle Station DLC, which was MIA from the PS3 release of the game, is still unfortunately not salvageable. The Mass Effect 3 multiplayer also won’t be making an appearance, and BioWare has recently opened up about how that started as a standalone first-person shooter multiplayer game. However, you shouldn’t have to worry about meeting the “readiness” requirement for the game’s final mission.

Because it’s being sold as a trilogy in one launcher, you’ll be able to accrue enough readiness by playing all three games in a row. You can also get enough of it by just playing Mass Effect 3. However, for this, you’ll need to basically do everything the game has to offer before that final mission. You probably are planning on playing all three again, however, so you won’t need to worry about this. The original version of Mass Effect 3 launched with a companion app that could also add readiness, but it’s no longer supported.

That leaves all three games and more than 40 DLC packs included in the package, all with some quality-of-life changes and other enhancements. For more, read up on everything we know about the Mass Effect: Legendary Edition.

About Steve Watts

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