Mass Effect: Legendary Edition Switch Port Could Happen One Day

We finally have the release date for Mass Effect: Legendary Edition, a remastered version of the trilogy overhauled for the PS4, Xbox One, and PC that will come out on May 14. However, BioWare told Eurogamer that a Switch version of the Legendary Edition may also come out at some point, but if it does, it’ll be long after it releases for PC and existing consoles.

“Personally, I’d love it,” Mac Walters, the project director of the Legendary Edition, told Eurogamer. “But ultimately, I think we had a path set and it was like, let’s finish that, then let’s see sort of where we’re at.”

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Now Playing: Mass Effect Legendary Edition Has HUGE Changes

While the fate of a Switch version is still unclear, we’ve got a lot of new details on the Legendary Edition. For one, it does not include multiplayer, which is a surprise to many fans who enjoyed that aspect of Mass Effect 3. The LE also updates female Shepard’s character model to make her more in line with the Mass Effect 3 version of her character. Somewhat surprisingly, it does not use Unreal Engine 4, instead relying on the series’ existing Unreal Engine 3 to keep things consistent.

About Steven T. Wright

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