Mass Effect: Legendary Edition Trims Some Gratuitous Butt Shots

Mass Effect: Legendary Edition is finally out this year, and while it’s a near-complete collection of the original trilogy it is making some camera tweaks to the game’s infamously gratuitous focus on butts.

“Kevin [Meek] actually called out some camera cuts that were just…. why was that focusing on Miranda’s butt?,” project director Mac Walters explained to Metro. “So in some cases, we said, ‘Okay, we can make a change there’.

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Now Playing: Mass Effect Legendary Edition Has HUGE Changes

Character and environment director Kevin Meek also mentioned in the same interview that male Shepherd’s habit of manspreading was tweaked. BioWare couldn’t overhaul the entire animation, but the studio did find that changing the camera angle and reframing the scene made for a more elegant solution.

“If you were wearing a skirt, it would be a bit unflattering,” Meek said. “So we can’t necessarily change that animation, but you can raise that camera up slightly to reduce the problem.”

The Legendary Edition also won’t include the first game’s Pinnacle Station DLC due to the original data having been corrupted. Mass Effect 3’s multiplayer has also been cut from the remaster, as BioWare was focused solely on polishing up the original trilogy campaigns.

Mass Effect: Legendary Edition will launch for Xbox One, PS4, and PC on May 14. It’ll also be backwards compatible on Xbox Series X|S and PS5, with those versions supporting faster loading speeds.

If you want to see just how substantial an upgrade the collection is then check out official comparison shots of certain characters and places from Bioware. For even more details, check out everything we know about Mass Effect: Legendary Edition.

About Darryn Bonthuys

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