Publisher IMGN.PRO and developer Black Cube Games revealed that Emmy-winning and Oscar-nominated Iranian-American actress Shohreh Aghdashloo is lending her voice to The Tale of Bistun. She portrayed Admiral Shala’Raan vas Tonbay in both Mass Effect 2 and 3. You can check her out in the newly revealed launch trailer below.
“Aghdashloo has had quite a storied career across multiple media, with starring roles in film, television, and video games. Aghdashloo adds another layer of cultural authenticity to a title made by and based on the Iranian people and their cultural history,” Black Cube Games said in a press release. Aghdashloo has also appeared in Destiny 2 and The Expanse.
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Now Playing: The Tale of Bistun – Launch Trailer Ft. Shohreh Aghdashloo
Black Cube Games team lead Amin Shahidi said, “We’re also incredibly honored to have such a talented cast — including Shohreh Aghdashloo and Marc Thompson — help us bring the world of The Tale of Bistun to life. We hope you all have a great time!” Thompson voices the omniscient narrator and has appeared in other properties like Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Star Wars: Visions.
The Tale of Bistun follows an amnesiac stone carver as he awakens to a blight devouring Mount Bistun. He’ll traverse the real world and the Revelations Realm, a mysterious place filled with forgotten memories, to look for answers. The game’s new trailer shows off the real-time melee-focused gameplay and how the carver sculpts out statues that remind him of his past. Aghdashloo provides the trailer’s narration as well, detailing the game’s premise.
The Tale of Bistun launches on July 13 for Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, and PC.
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