Mass Effect Walkthrough

With Mass Effect: Legendary Edition out now, a new generation of players can finally access one of developer BioWare’s most iconic RPG franchises. If it’s your first time playing these games, you’ll need some help and insight to prepare you for the exciting journey ahead. The Legacy Edition, in particular, brings significant changes to the original games that better incorporate its various DLCs into the main experience while also creating new challenges thanks to adjustments to the way your actions impact the final game’s epic conclusion.

Due to these changes, we’ve compiled a suite of new guides to help you navigate the unique aspects with our Mass Effect: Legendary Edition guide roundup. However, if you’re keen to have a walkthrough handy to help you navigate the core experience of the first Mass Effect, then below you can find our original walkthrough, which we published at the time of the game’s original release. You can also read our Mass Effect 2 walkthrough and Mass Effect 3 walkthrough.

For more about how the collection stacks up, be sure to read our Mass Effect: Legendary Edition review in progress.

Ever since this new title from BioWare was announced, RPG fans (and Xbox 360 fans) have been dying to get their hands on it. Now, though, the wait is over, and this epic space opera is finally on store shelves.

Mass Effect tells the story of one Commander Shepard, an Alliance soldier that’s tasked with saving the galaxy from utter doom. We’ve all saved the world in RPGs before this, but an entire galaxy? That ups the stakes considerably. Along the way, Shepard will need to rescue damsels in distress, make sweet alien love, explore strange planets, and discover wondrous technology that’s been lost for millenia.

Below detail everything you need to know to get through all of Mass Effect, including all its main missions and side-missions.

Table of Contents [hide]NormandyEden PrimeCitadel StationCitadel MissionsExpose SarenGarrusShadow BrokerExpose SarenCitadel AssignmentsScan The KeepersJahleed’s FearsPresidium ProphetAsari ConsortXeltan’s ComplaintThe FanReporter’s RequestSignal TrackingRita’s SisterHomecomingSchells The GamblerDoctor MichelFind Liara T’SoniFeros: Geth AttackTunnel AssignmentsNoveria: Geth InterestAssignment: SmugglingAssignment: EspionageReturn To The NormandyVermire: Saren’s BaseThe Last Citadel TripCitadel Revisit AssignmentsThe Fourth EstateFamily MatterOld, Unhappy, Far-Off ThingsOur Own Worst EnemyNegotiator’s RequestFind The ConduitOther AssignmentsProthean MysteriesThe Prothean ArtifactUNC QuestsUNC: Missing Survey TeamUNC: Major KyleUNC: Missing MarinesUNC: CerberusUNC: Hades’ DogsUNC: Lost ModuleUNC: HostageUNC: Asari DiplomacyUNC: Rogue VIUNC: Beseiged BaseUNC: Distress CallUNC: Lost FreighterUNC: Espionage ProbeMissing Person/UNC: PrivateersUNC: Derelict FreighterUNC: Listening Post AlphaUNC: Depot Sigma-23UNC: Dead ScientistsInvestigate Facility/UNC: Exogeni FacilityUnaffiliated AssignmentsPerson Of Interest/Hostile TakeoverGeth ActivitiesTali And The GethInvestigate Samples/Colony Of The DeadWrex: Family ArmorGarrus: Find Dr. SaleonSurvey Assignments and Survey Data


After creating your character, you’ll be permitted to begin your career in the Alliance. Well, that’s not quite true: your character will already have spent many years in the Alliance military, so that you don’t wind up having to go through basic training or anything like that.

You begin the game on the Normandy, an Alliance vessel that’s on a shakedown run. Your conversation with the pilots here will be your first introduction to the game’s conversation system, which BioWare has designed to be more powerful than ever. If you’ve played Knights of the Old Republic, you’ll be familiar with the idea that your conversations with people will let you gain influence with them, and will also change your Light Side and Dark Side ratings…er, “paragon” and “renegade”. These rankings will further determine how other characters view your own character, and will eventually determine the ending of the game that you receive. You can gain paragon points by generally being solicitous and helpful, while renegade points will result if you’re rude or downright hostile.

Speak to Joker and the co-pilot here (you can use the X button to skip dialogue), then start making your way backwards through the ship. You can speak with Navigator Pressly as well as Doctor Chakwas and the unfortunate Corporal Jenkins for some Codex information and small XP bonuses. You can also go to the Squad screen to allocate your first skill points.

When you reach Nihlus, speak with him and Captain Anderson. When your conversation is over, you’ll receive a transmission from Eden Prime. The next thing you know, you’ll be on-planet.

Eden Prime

Head To The Dig Site

Your initial grouping here includes Corporal Jenkins and Kaiden Alenko. Jenkins is a fine soldier, but, well…. Kaiden is a Sentinel, capable of using both tech and biotic attacks. He doesn’t have any weapon skills at all, so you’ll need to make the most of his abilities. Give him points in First Aid and Barrier to begin with; he’ll activate Barrier if he comes under fire automatically.

Tip: First Aid can be activated with the Y button if you’re hurt. You can only hold five medi-gels at a time, and they’ll be fairly commonplace here on Eden Prime, so don’t hesitate to use them if you need them. Likewise, you can hold five grenades (usable with your Select button). If you pick up medi-gels or grenades when you already have a full supply, the extras are discarded, so try not to be full at any given time.

Get your bearings here, and get used to the basic combat systems. Pull the left trigger to aim your weapon, and the right trigger to fire. You can switch weapons with the LB button, but note that any weapon you’re untrained with will be all but unusable; you won’t be able to aim properly. RB will use any special attacks that your character is capable of.

Make your way through this first area, using the gasbags as target practice. You can find your first treasure chest in the water in front of you; hang a right into the little culdesac to find some upgrades. Move on until Jenkins takes a dirt nap. Be careful here; the Geth Probes have special weapons that will ignore your shields, so it’s easy to take damage from their fire. Shoot back until they go down, then check Jenkins body before moving on.

Continue To Dig Site

Move along, continuing to shoot any enemies you spot and check for loot in the chests and containers that you spot. You’ll probably gain another level pretty soon, so be sure to check your menu screen and allocate points when you can do so.

Eventually you’ll run across Ashley Williams, who’s on the run from the Geth. Save her and she’ll join your squad. As a Soldier, she’s a good replacement for Jenkins. Load her up with Assault Rifle points and give her some Soldier skills to regenerate her health.

Near Jenkins, you’ll find a bunch of equipment in chests. You’ll want to use the Equipment screen around this time to switch out your equipment and upgrade it with any new tech that you’ve found. You probably have a set of Scorpion armor at this point; if your character can only use light armor, it’ll be a handy upgrade.

You’ll come to the dig site soon enough. Clear out the Geth around it with your weapons and abilities, and get used to the cover mechanic. It’s kind of clunky—Gears of War this isn’t—but it’ll help you stay behind cover in combat, which is sometimes all you can ask.

Investigate Research Camp

When you reach the camp, a few Husks will reanimate. Like any other zombie, they’ll shuffle towards you, attempting to overload your shields with an electrical burst. Backtrack away from them to prevent them from reaching you, and use Kaiden’s Throw ability to keep one of them on the ground while you shoot the others.

When you get past the Husks, move into the camp and attempt to unlock the door with the Decryption mechanic. Save your game before doing so. Decryption is a basic button-tapping game. It will either be easy or difficult, depending on your hand-eye coordination, but if you miss your chance at the decryption it’ll cost you 25 omni-gel to override, which you probably won’t have unless you break down a number of items. If you can bust through the door, though, you’ll find Dr. Warren and her crazy assistant. If you investigate, she’ll tell you more about the attack; you can also punch out Manuel.

Head To Spaceport

Make your way to the spaceport over the hill; you can kill the Geth Troopers by firing on the explosives near them. When the Husks are dead, hack the door on the pod nearby to find some farmers. When you attempt to leave them, you can use your Charm/Intimidate abilities, if you have them, to try and wheedle out more goods and information from them. At the very least, though, you’ll get a nice pistol. Be sure to check inside the hut, too; there’s a locker you can hack into for more goodies.

Head to the spaceport nearby to find Nihlus’ body. Before checking it, open the medical crate nearby and look behind the fire for an upgrade kit. When you check out Nihlus’ body, a man nearby will tell you what he saw. If you managed to get Cole to give up his contact’s name, you can press him for some grenades.

Take The Train

Start making your way down to the train level. There are loads of Geth on it, however, including a Destroyer. If you look carefully, though, there are also some plasma cells that you can shoot to blow them up; that’ll help you wean the enemy Geth a bit. The Destroyer will make its way up the center of the train, so take cover and shoot at it as it approaches. If it gets near to you, use Throw and any other abilities you have to knock it out, then sprint down the train to get close to the remaining Geth and destroy them as well. This can be a tough fight, to be sure, so don’t hesitate to replay it and get used to the controls here. Your abilities can make all the difference in this fight, so don’t hesitate to use them.

Shut Down The Charges

When you get to the other platform of the spacedock, you’ll find that the Geth have triggered four charges designed to blow the whole place sky-high. Apparently they’re not concerned with their own well-being, either, as they’ve decided to stay behind and guard the charges in an attempt to prevent you from shutting them down.

The Geth here are a lot more difficult than what you’ve been facing before; there are shock troopers and even a sniper or two in position. They’ll deal heavy damage to you, so take things slowly. Stay behind cover as you approach, use your grenades from a distance, and use your abilities to weaken them up or knock them down. Don’t worry about the charges until your foes are dead. When you’ve cleared everything out, return to their positions on your minimap and shut them all down.

With the charges done, head to the other side of the spaceport, where a few Geth await you. Shoot them and the Husks, but be sure to examine the port carefully for containers and lockers before approaching the beacon. When you do investigate it, your mission ends.

Return To The Normandy

After speaking with Anderson, head out to the mess hall and talk to Ashley and Kaiden. This is optional, but you can get into their good graces, or bad graces, depending on how the conversations progress. You can check the CIC area and the navigation area for some codex entries. When you’re ready to move on, head to Joker and begin your run to the Citadel.

Citadel Station

You land on citadel station and immediately meet with the human Ambassador, Udina. He’s not a pleasant man. He’ll tell you and your party members to meet him in the Council Tower so that you can brief the Council on Saren’s actions.

You now have free reign of the Citadel, but you’ll want to head directly to the Council Tower. Doing so will get you some quests and give you a little context to your actions. When you do get the chance to explore, though, make note of the Citadel transit system: it’ll help you get around quickly. You’ll also want to speak to an Avina module to get more information on the Citadel, if necessary.

Citadel Missions

Missions are critical quests that you must address before you’re capable of leaving Citadel. Check the next few pages if you want to know more about the many assignments that you’re offered.

Expose Saren

This is going to be the main quest that you have to deal with during your time on Citadel, so let’s get to it!

Go To The Tower

When you get done speaking with Ambassador Udina, head to the Citadel Tower through the Rapid Transit system. When you arrive, speak to Garrus, then head up the stairs to find Anderson.

Regardless of what you do, the Council will find Saren not guilty, so it’ll be up to you to find some proof of his misdoings. That will lead you into the Garrus and Shadow Broker quests. You can perform both of these quests at the same time; both will net you new party members.

From now on, we’ll mostly focus on giving walkthroughs for individual missions and assignments instead of telling you what to do step-by-step. If you’re curious about where to obtain a mission, we’ll usually tell you where to nab it; if not, you can assume that it pops up normally while you play.


Garrus is the C-Sec investigator who was assigned to look into Saren’s misdeeds. Saren hides behind layers of obfuscation, though, and nothing that Garrus found was capable of sticking to him. If you can track Garrus down, though, you can perhaps compare notes with him.

Speak to Harkin

Head to Chora’s Den in the Wards. Some special friends will be waiting for you outside. Kill them and head in. You’ll find Harkin at a table inside the bar. He’s no charmer, but he’ll give you the information you need: Garrus can be found at Dr. Michel’s place in the Upper Wards.

Go To The Med Clinic

Head to the Med Clinic on the wards and clear it out. There’ll be four enemies to kill; take them all down, then speak to Garrus. He’ll join your squad at this point and end the mission.

Note that Dr. Michel will sell some pretty handy armor upgrades. If you don’t have health regeneration on your main character, you may want to buy something from her.

Shadow Broker

The Shadow Broker is an information agent that apparently has an employee here on Citadel: Barla Von, who works in a bank in the Financial District. Perhaps he’ll know something about Saren.

Go See Barla Von

Travel to the bank and speak to Barla. He’ll give you the next mission in the chain.


Wrex is a krogan bounty hunter that was apparently tasked with tracking down Saren on behalf of the Shadow Broker. He can currently be found in the C-Sec Academy. Track him down and speak to him; he’ll join up.

Expose Saren

Take Down Fist

After gaining both Wrex and Garrus for your party, it’ll be time to make a little trip to Chora’s Den, where Fist is located. Chora’s Den has been shut down, however, and converted into a bit of a shooting gallery. You may want to park your party members outside by pressing down on the D-Pad, then moving to the doorway and using your powers to off a few of the guards before regrouping and heading inside to mop up.

After dealing with the warehouse workers, head into Fist’s office. You may want to deal with him yourself, again. You can simply hold your partners back, hide behind one of the panels, and start shooting; you can also just tell your teammates to move forward to the far panel and fire from there. The turrets offer a bit of experience, so try to kill them before taking down Fist.

Fist will reveal that he’s set up the Quarian in an ambush; she’ll die in a few minutes if you don’t reach her first. If Wrex is along, he’ll ice Fist whether you like it or not. You can grab a data disc off of his body which will come in handy for the Reporter’s Request; presumably you have some way of obtaining it if Fist doesn’t die. Before you leave the room, hack Fist’s wall safe for some upgrades.

Save The Quarian

You have four minutes to reach the Alleyway near Chora’s Den. The barroom will have been restocked with enemies, so make your way through them and head out to the Wards. Take a left when you leave the Chora’s Den area and head up the stairs to reach the alleyway.

So long as you reach the alleyway within four minutes, you can start a fight with the assassins sent to take down Tali. You can expect to be sabotaged at the start of the fight, so be ready for it and duck behind cover if your weapon overheats.

Kill all of the assassins, and you’ll wind up back at Udina’s office. Tali will join your party, and you’ll be able to head back up to the Council to present your evidence of Saren’s involvement with Eden Prime.

Return To The Tower

Speak to the Council to induct yourself into the Spectres.

Speak To The Ambassador

Udina will relocate himself and Captain Anderson to the Alliance docks, which can be located in the C-Sec Academy. Wrap up any stray side quests you have and head down to the Academy. The Quartermaster here will sell you some goods, if you like, but they’re prohibitively expensive. (The grenade capacity upgrade is nice and cheap, though.)

When you reach the dock, Anderson will turn the Normandy over to you. It’s your ship now, and you can do with it what you like. Vegas, here we come! You have three main missions to attempt here, and probably have numerous assignments that require a ship. The galaxy is yours! Skip to the mission you wish to attempt first for the walkthrough. We recommend Find Liara T’Soni, as it will net you another party member.

Citadel Assignments

Before you head out to find Liara, you should spend time tackling the Citadel’s various Assignments, which are the game’s side quests. Performing them will get you extra XP, cash, and the occasional item, however, and will also usually let you earn more paragon or renegade points. You will find some assignments here that can only be completed after you unlock the ability to command a spaceship. You can find those assignments in the Galaxy Assignments chapter.

Scan The Keepers

Speak to Chorban in the Citadel Tower to obtain this quest. He asks you to track down and scan 21 individual Keepers that are found throughout the Citadel. Doing so will net you a few coins and experience for each scan that you complete. Here’s a list of Keeper locations. The numbering is ours; there’s no specific order you need to find them in.

Keeper Location Keeper Number
Citadel Tower 1 Near Chorban.
Citadel Tower 2 South, near the Council Chamber.
Citadel Tower 3 East.
Citadel Tower 4 Northwest, off in one of the side corridors.
Presidium 1 Western side, near the elevator to Citadel Tower.
Presidium 2 Northwest, near Wards Access.
Presidium 3 Northeast, in the small room to the northwest of C-Sec HQ.
Presidium 4 North, in the small corridor behind the Embassy Lounge.
Presidium 5 Northeast, Volus and Elcor Office.
Presidium 6 Southeast, near entrance to Consort Chambers.
Presidium 7 South, to the east of the Emporium near a set of stairs leading to the bridge.
Presidium 8 South; take the stairs on the south side of the Emporium.
Wards 1 Take the elevator down from the Presidium and you’ll land in Flux and Wards Access. The Keeper is in one of the northern rooms in this quadrant.
Wards 2 Northwest, in the Alleyway.
Wards 3 Western side, in the corner of the Upper Markets.
Wards 4 Inside Flux, in the gambling room upstairs.
Wards 5 Near the elevator to C-Sec Academy. Take the stairs down from the Upper Wards and it’ll be near Officer Lang.
Wards 6 Outside the Med Clinic.
C-Sec Academy 1 In the Requisition Officer’s room.
C-Sec Academy 2 In Traffic Control.
Citadel Docking Bays You can access the Docking Bays through the C-Sec Academy.

Jahleed’s Fears

You’ll meet Jahleed in the C-Sec Academy. If you speak to him, he’ll tell you that Chorban, the questgiver for Scan The Keepers, is trying to kill him! He wants you to meet Chorban near the Markets in the Upper Wards. Talk to him, then talk to Jahleed again. Whether you’re nice or mean, you should be able to complete the quest easily.

Presidium Prophet

There’s a preaching Hanar near the Wards Access area here, and a C-Sec officer that wants it to move along. Speak to the officer and the Hanar to learn more about their dispute.

As with most two-sided stories, there are a number of ways to resolve the dispute. The easiest is to simply purchase a permit on behalf of the Hanar, but if you have a decent Charm or Intimidate score, you can try to use them on either the officer or the Hanar to talk them down. Your rewards are marginal in either case, but you can get some decent reputation swings.

Asari Consort

Head to the Consort’s chambers in the southeastern corner of the Presidium and speak to Sha’ira. She asks you to travel to Chora’s Den in the Wards and silence one General Septimus. You can find him at a table there; with enough talking-to, he can be convinced to return to Sha’ira and straighten up. You’ll need to return to her for your reward.

Septimus will also want you to head to the Elcor embassy and bring a datapad to an Elcor there. This leads to the Xeltan’s Complaint mission.

Xeltan’s Complaint

Xeltan can be found in the Vorlus and Elcor Embassy in the Presidium. Give him the datapad that Septimus gives you for a small reward.

The Fan

Conrad Verner wants to speak with you in the Upper Markets of the Ward. Remember the movie of the same name? If you sign his autograph, Verner will jet back off to Earth, and offers to buy you a drink. You’ll need to leave the Citadel and return in order for this assignment to complete it.

If you head off into the galaxy and return to the Citadel after completing a mission, you can speak to Conrad again in the same part of the station. His demeanor toward you will depend on your initial response to his request. You’ll need to leave and return a third time to complete the quest, when Conrad asks to be inducted into the Spectres. You’ll need to talk him down somehow; our renegade character did it by shoving a gun in his face.

Reporter’s Request

Emily Wong tracks you down in the Upper Wards, near the entrance to Flux. If you talk to her, she’ll ask if you can bring her any information that’ll help her investigation into corruption and organized crime.

You’ll grab some discs when you take down Fist in Chora’s Den. Return them to Emily for your reward; you can sweet talk her into an exclusive interview for more cash if you have Charm or Intimidate.

Signal Tracking

Check the Suspicious Gambling Machine in Flux to start this quest. It would appear that someone is funneling money from the machine into a private account.

Take the elevator from the Wards up to the Presidium; it stops in the Flux and Wards Access station. There’s a signal relay here; check your map for the exclamation point. Find it, then head up to the Financial District. The next relay is behind Borla Von. Head from there to the Exporium to find the last relay.

The AI that was funneling money is not particularly pleased with the thought of being detected, and initiates a self-destruct sequence. Before it explodes, tap in this button sequence: Y, X, Y, A, X, A, A. That’ll shut it down and give you a decent XP and cash reward.

Rita’s Sister

Speak to Rita in Flux to pick up this quest. Rita is concerned about her sister, Jenna, an informant for C-Sec who works in Chora’s Bar. Maybe you could help explain why her career path is a dangerous one?

You can find Jenna behind the bar in Chora’s Den. If you speak to her, she’ll refuse to talk to you. On your way out of the bar, though, a man named Chellick will tell you to meet him in the C-Sec Academy. Track him down there and speak to him. If you do, he’ll ask you to meet a man named Jax in the lower Markets and return with some illegal weapons mods.

Head down there and talk to Jax. If you want renegade points, try to arrest him; otherwise, just pay him the money and bring the mods back to Chellick.


Samesh Bhatia will be in the Embassy suites after Tali joins your party. He’ll ask you for answers: his wife’s body is not being returned to him by the military after she died on Eden Prime. It’s pretty obvious that she probably got Huskified, but he still wants to know why he can’t cremate her.

Head to the bar to the northwest of Samesh to find Clerk Bosker. He’ll tell you that the body is actually being held so that scientists can analyze the wounds in the hope that they can create better defenses against Geth attacks in the future. You can use your Charm/Intimidate skills on either Bosker or Samesh to try and convince them to give in. We used our Charm on both characters after loading a save and found that pressuring Samesh to give in gave us slightly more experience, but we received the same paragon point shift either way.

Schells The Gambler

If you attempt to head into Flux after you take down Fist, you’ll see a man named Schells getting thrown out of it. He’s attempting to sell a gambling device that will help predict the outcomes of Quasar games, but needs more data to perfect it. To help him, he’ll need you to head back into the bar and win a few games of Quasar for him.

If you head into the bar, you can hand the device over to Doran for some easy experience and cash, but no paragon points. If you intend to use the device, you’ll have a slightly better than average chance to get a positive payout. Regardless of your winnings, Schells will give you the exact same experience and cash bonus reward for returning the device to him when you have the data.

Doctor Michel

After first encountering Michel, you can return to her offices later on for another quest (we returned after taking down Fist). She’s being blackmailed. If you agree to help out, she tells you her contact: a merchant named Morlan in the Wards.

Speak to Morlan, and you’ll soon be fighting a blackmailer. Kill him, then return to Morlan. Ask about Banes, but he doesn’t have any info. Michel will thank you for your help, and give you a discount on her (incredibly expensive) supplies. She’ll also tell you about Banes; maybe Captain Anderson would know more about him? If you follow the chain to Admiral Kahoku in the Council Tower, he’ll offer you the UNC: Missing Marines quest.

Tip: Now that you’re free to pursue various objectives in the galaxy, you should take time to head to the Normandy’s cargo hold to speak with your party members. Doing so will let you advance your romantic plots with them and dig up more information about their backgrounds. You can ignore them entirely, if you wish, but if you want to know more about them, talk to them while they’re on the Normandy. Unlike previous BioWare games, you can’t talk to your teammates while you’re out in the field.

Find Liara T’Soni

Go To Artemis Tau

FInding Liara T’Soni will net you another party member, so it’s worth tackling first. Head to the Artemis Tau system, then proceed to the Knossos system and land on Therum. Save your game as soon as you land.

As you roll through the rocky landscape, you’ll come across a couple of Geth Armatures. These are tough, tank-like enemies that have plenty of shielding and which pack a punch with their cannons. Luckily, their cannon fire moves slowly, so engage them at range (you can fire your own cannon with the RB button), dodge their cannon fire, and take them down slowly but surely.

Proceed along the path until you spot the refinery. Avoid the frontal entrance; the turrets there will tear you apart. Instead, veer off to the right into the small corridor there that lets you bypass the gate. The Geth inside will be tough foes, but you’ll be able to take them down. Clear out the entire base, then check the buildings for items and the gate switch required to move on. (You can use the B button to hop out of the vehicle.)

Make your way slowly but surely through the rest of the planet, taking down enemies from long range and giving your shields a bit of time to recharge if they get low. Eventually you’ll reach a spot where you’re forced to get out of your vehicle. Make your way slowly through the canyon ahead, using the squad commands to keep your teammates where you want them. Save your game after all the enemies in the canyon are dead!

At the end of the line, you’ll come to a very tough ambush, where a horde of Geth units drops from the sky. Rocket soldiers, snipers, hoppers, and even an Armature wait for you here. Taken together, these guys will rip you to shreds if you don’t get under cover, so you need to move off to the left of your position immediately. Tell your squad to move underneath the building there and to get behind the metal plates that will protect you from the Armature’s fire. From there, kill anything that follows you, then slowly move out to take down the snipers and the Armature. The Armature will usually kill you with one shot from its cannon, so stay behind cover and order your team into a position from where they’ll have cover as well, then Overload and Sabotage it until you can blast through its remaining shields and take it out.

Into The Earth

Head into the cave and take the elevator downward. After meeting up with Liara, agree to help her, then get behind some cover to avoid the Geth below you. After killing them, head down and explore the area to find some storage and weapons lockers.

After clearing out the Geth, activate the mining laser. The code for us was AXB, but it may be randomized. Head into the facility and get Liara out of her cage, then take the elevator upwards to meet with the Krogan Battlemaster. He and his Geth friends will spread out as soon as the fight begins, so try to tag them with tech or biotic skills at the outset, then finish them off individually. With that done, you can return to the ship and welcome Liara into your crew.

Take the time to travel the ship, speaking to all of your party members and advancing any personal plots you wish to. When you’re ready to move on, pick another mission and head out.

Feros: Geth Attack

Speak With Fai Dan

Head to Feros when you want to investigate the recent Geth attack there. Land on the planet and speak to David al Talaqani on the dock. He’ll tell you to speak with the leader of the colony, Fai Dan, and then immediately get taken out by Geth. Fight your way through them to reach the remaining human colonists a bit further down the line.

When you reach the colonists, poke around their camp (you can find a quest by hacking a terminal in one of the pods), then speak to Fai Dan. You’ll immediately shunt off to the next portion of the quest.

Stop Geth In Tower

Head up the stairs and kill all of the Geth that you spot. When you reach the exclamation point, hide around the corner and try to lure your targets back to you. When you kill everything, check the alcove on the far side of the area for items before returning to Fai Dan.

Fai Dan has another mission for you: get to the ExoGeni HQ and find out why the Geth are attacking. That’s your main mission here; you’ll also have a number of assignments that you can get from Fai Dan and some of the other colonists in the area. Speak to May O’Connell to get the Power Cells assignment, Macha Doyle for the Water Restoration assignment, and Davin Reynolds for the Varren Meat assignment. Fai Dan will also offer up the Geth In The Tunnels assignment.

Tunnel Assignments

A few of the assignments can be completed in the tunnels under Zhu’s Hope. You can find the entrance a bit beyond where you can take the elevator up to the skyway. You can complete Water Restoration here (look for the large blue water valves on the walls), Geth In The Tunnels (find and disable their transmitter; it appears on your maps, but watch out for the Krogans that guard it), Varren Meat (kill the Alpha Varren in the collapsed highway segment), and Power Cells (strip the burning car in the highway segment).

You can also find another survivor on the northern edge of the tunnels map. He’s a bit…off. If you ask Fai Dan about him, he’ll be cagey and unwilling to tell you anything.

Get To ExoGeni Headquarters

Head up to the Skyway and take the Mako to the little hideout halfway to ExoGeni headquarters. The people there are scared, but not as odd as the people at Zho’s landing. You’ll be able to pick up a new assignment here by speaking to Hossle: Find the Console. We’ll cover it in the course of the main walkthrough. Talk to everyone here until you also learn about the missing Lizbeth Baynham, as well.

Investigate ExoGeni HQ

Get back up on the skyway and head out to the HQ. Keep in mind that if there are enemies on your radar that you can’t see, you can leave the vehicle and head into the maintenance tunnels underneath the roadway to find them, as well as more crates and such.

Head to the end of the road; you’ll come to a narrow gap that you can’t pass through. Shoot as many of your foes as you can through the gap, then head through yourself. The locked door here will lead to a crate with some goodies; looting it will activate the Armature nearby, though, so be ready to deal with it.

After poking around a bit, check your map for the “Drop Down” section and drop into the hole there. You’ll soon run across Lizbeth, who’ll give you a keycard to get you past the locked doors in the facility. Head back up the stairs nearby and kill the Krogan Commander, then speak to the VI nearby for more information. You can head back to your original location near the Drop Down from here.

Remove Force Field

You need to get back to your ship ASAP, but the force field around the facility will prevent you from leaving. Head back along the corridor near the VI to encounter one of the Geth claws that are being used to anchor their ship into the headquarters. You’ll need to find a weakness in one of the claws and destroy it.

Head on a bit until you find the two walkways leading up to the Upper Level. One of them has a few Krogans, as well as the console that Hossle wanted you to access. The other has Geth in it. You can hack the ExoGeni console here to obtain the Investigate Facility galaxy mission. You can also hack the Geth terminal to learn of a force of Geth ships in the Armstrong Nebula; that’ll give you another quest, Geth Activities. Another hack, on the Server Node, will result in the Investigate Samples quest. Sheesh.

When you’re ready to move on, check the Shuttle Bay Door Control. You need to get the PSI between 31 and 33 to have it chomp through the Geth’s landing claw. Toggle the 5, 17, and 11 PSI valves to achieve the high pressure here, then shut the door to unclamp the Geth ship. Sucks to be them.

Exit ExoGeni/Speak With Refugees

Sounds like the Geth are coming for payback. Head downstairs to meet up with Lizbeth and get back to the Mako. When you return to the refugees, Jeong will be going pretty crazy. You’ll have to put him down. It’s for his own good, really.

Return To Zhu’s Hope/Minimize Casualties

Juliana will give you Anti-Thorian Gas that you can use in your grenades. It’ll help you disable the colonists in Zhu’s Hope without killing them; if you’re going renegade, though, you can feel free to kill them. Don’t forget to talk to Hossle and turn in his quest, if you completed it.

Some of the corpses in Zhu’s Hope have been turned into Thorian Creepers; kill them at will. Take down the colonists with grenades, but be sure you’ve inserted the anti-Thorian upgrade. After opening the door to the colony, numerous Creepers will appear; you can pop back into the Mako to finish them off, then start grenading the colonists. You’ll get two paragon points for each colonist you leave alive, and presumably the same amount of renegade points for each one you kill.

Make your way into the colony. If you’re using grenades to knock out the colonists, you may run out at some point; you can use melee attacks to knock out your foes if that becomes the case, but there’s a box of five grenades that you’ll find when you reach the primary area of the colony. Continue your path of peace or carnage, take down the colonists, and get to the crane controls. When you lift the crane, the path into the bottom of the facility will open.

Destroy The Thorian

The Thorian speaks through a clone; when the talking’s over, kill the clone, then find the small corridor nearby and back up, letting the Creepers come to you. Use grenades or powers to shut them down, then start making your way towards the stairwell nearby. Shoot the Thorian Neural Node to start causing some pain to the Thorian.

The Creepers in this section can be annoying; you may want to have your teammates hold a position, then lure the Creepers back to them so that everyone has a clear line of sight towards the enemies as they come through the door or whatever. Use Lift and Singularity powers, if possible, to separate them and get them on the ground. Keep in mind that they’re organics; if you’ve been using armor-piercing rounds against the Geth, switch to anti-personnel rounds for this section.

Continue upwards, shooting away at the neural nodes that you see. Many of them will cause Creepers to awaken when they get shot, so keep that in mind. Head up to the top of the area and shoot every node in your path; one of them will block the onward path, so keep that in mind. When you reach the end and shoot the last node, Shiala will be freed from her prison. Mindmeld with her to see a more clear version of the beacon’s vision. After you do so, you’ll return to the colony and will be free to leave. The merchant here will sell you a Haliat Armory license now, if you wish to obtain it.

Return To The Normandy

Make another sweep of the Normandy and talk to your crew. We managed to pick up the Find Wrex’s Armor quest from Wrex here, the Find Dr. Saleon mission from Garrus, and get a little more serious with Liara and Kaiden. Speak to everyone before starting the next mission. As you step up to the galaxy map, you’ll probably receive a message from the Council. Head to the comm room to find a new mission: Virmire. Since it’s the last one you obtained, we’ll head to Noveria first.

Noveria: Geth Interest

Land on Noveria and prepare for some drama. The local authorities will try to confiscate your guns when you arrive. No matter what your response, you’ll be allowed to keep them when your identity is confirmed. Head in to speak with Parasini: Benezia is here, on the planet. Now.

Leave Port Hanshan

In order to find Benezia, you’ll need to proceed out of the facility and onto the planet’s surface. Unfortunately, the port’s administrator has denied your request to access the garage. You’ll need to persuade him to let you pass. There are a few top-level Missions here, but for the sake of simplicity, we’ll keep them all in one walkthrough. There are also assignments here, too. We’ll cover them here before moving on with the main walkthrough.

Assignment: Smuggling

Head through to the main plaza here. Merchant Opold will have an assignment for you, if you wish to be a smuggler. You can take the package from the docks near the Normandy and return it to Opold. If you wish to keep the package, you’ll find that it contains Polonium Rounds IV (or at least it did for us). Handing over the package will let you earn up to 500 credits. You can also learn that its intended recipient is a Krogan named Inamorda. Sounds like a friendly sort. All in all, a quest with few rewards, but hey: experience.

Inamorda dwells upstairs in the hotel bar here. It’s possible that if you decide to keep the device for yourself that he’ll attack you or otherwise continue the quest.

Assignment: Espionage

An asari named Mallene Calis will accost you as you enter the hotel and ask you to conduct a bit of corporate espionage on Rafael Vargas, at the bar. She explains that you’ll need to keep him on-topic so that he doesn’t cut you off, but that he rubs the back of his neck when he’s nervous. If you see him doing so, press him on the subject at hand. You need to keep him conversing long enough for Calis’ device to hack into his personal communicator. You can also just refuse to perform this mission for eight paragon points.

You have a couple of options here. You can hand the device over to Rafael, then tell Calis that you completed the task; that’ll earn you plenty of renegade points. If you want to play the mission straight, try to use your speech talents as often as you can; Charm probably works a bit better than Intimidate here. Keep him on the line as long as you can; eventually he’ll mention his surprise that you’re here on business. If you tell him he sounds guilty, you should get the prompt from Calis’ device and can leave. Completing the quest in this manner will get you a small renegade boost and a credit reward.

Back On Track

Your first goal here is to get a pass to the garage. You have to get one, but speaking to Anoleis is a dead-end. Paranisi will refer you to a man named Qui’in, who can be found in the hotel bar. Head up there and poke around.

Tip: Be sure to hack into the security panel upstairs here. Doing so will let you shut down Synthetic Interests’ security systems. That will come in handy during the upcoming mission.

Lorik Qui’in

Lorik has evidence that Anoleis is corrupt, and wants you to retrieve it from the Synthetic Interests office. To do so, though, you’ll have to take down some moonlighting security guards. Feel free to tell Anoleis about his offer; he’ll make a counteroffer, as well.

After shutting down the SI security in the hotel, make your way to the office elevator and head upwards. The two guards at the door here can be assaulted or convinced to leave, with the appropriate reputation shifts. The rest of the guards are bad guys to the last, so take them down quickly and start poking around. You can find a quest on the computer on the lower level. You’ll find the evidence in Lorik’s computer, as promised.

Of course, complications arise here. Kiara Sterling will run into you on your way out, and she isn’t pleased at the deaths of her men. Her reinforcements have some damn fancy weapons capable of killing weak party members instantly. You may want to try and backtrack to Lorik’s office and set up your defenses there; Kiara will follow you, at the very least, letting you take her down before dealing with the men.


Piranisi will be outside the office when you leave, and tells you to meet her for a drink at the hotel bar before speaking to Qui’in. You may be able to speak to Anoleis here and wrap the quest up, but we preferred to do it the straight way.

Head to the bar and speak to Piranisi. She’ll tell you that she works for the planet’s internal security bureau, and is trying to help set up a hearing on Anoleis’ corruption. If you can get Lorik to testify, you’ll get your pass. This is mostly a chance for more paragon points; he’ll give you the pass to the garage if you simply hand over the evidence. If you manage to use Charm or Intimidate to convince him to testify, though, you’ll get the aforementioned paragon points.

If you do get him to testify, return to Anoleis’ office. If you tell him about Gianna, things will turn out…poorly. You’ll still get your garage pass, though. If you want the most experience, however, tell him about Lorik’s evidence, but not about Gianna. After you get the experience from him (you may need to use Charm or Intimidate to convince him that you’re not going to arrest him, but don’t hand over the evidence), return to Giana and tell her about Lorik. She’ll take Anoleis in and you’ll get your pass. Don’t forget to hack into his wall safe.

Peak 15

Time to head off to Peak 15. When you reach the garage, though, you’ll be ambushed by Geth. Switch your upgrades to take on synthetics, then start making your way through them. You may be able to spot the destroyers on the far end of the court before they see you; if you can hit them with a Singularity or something, it’ll help you take them down.

Head out in the Mako here and get onto the snow. The Level 1 Hazard warning here indicates that you’ll take damage if you get out of the Mako for too long; you’ll have 30 seconds or so to do any explorations that are necessary. Try to stick close to the Mako and only pop out if absolutely necessary. There are some good items in the crates that you’ll spot, usually near wrecked vehicles, so grab those.

You’ll have some tough fights here, especially on the first bridge, where Rocket Troops will keep you entangled. Do your best to dodge their fire and keep your machineguns trained on them; their shields will quickly drop and you’ll be able to take them out.

Into The Facility

When you arrive at Peak 15, head inside and start combing the area. Take the elevator up when you find it, after checking the Security area. Killing the upstairs Geth will cause a cutscene to play, revealing the Rachnis, poisonous creatures that will apparently be running throughout the facility. Say what you will about them, but at least they’re rich; even the smallest ones will net you 1,000 credits per kill.

Head through Administration and up to Mira Core. You’ll need to manually restart the station’s VI in order to get the place back online, so find the elevator leading downward and take it. You need to repair the Memory Core here in order to bring the VI back online. You can either pay 100 omnigels to do so, or try to repair it manually.

The manual repair is a puzzle game. You need to transfer all of the memory block one items to stack two or three. The catch is that you can’t access the lower blocks of a stack until you’ve moved the upper blocks. Here’s one solution to the puzzle: X, B, X, Y, B, Y, X, B, Y, X, Y, B, X, B, X, Y, B, Y, B, X, Y, X, B, Y, X, B, X, Y, B, Y.

Back Online

‘Crap, a pop-up.’ Heh. With Mira back online, you can inquire as to the status of the facility. The landline connections to the sublabs have been severed, and the main reactor is offline. You’ll need to repair the damage before you can go after Benezia.

Start with the landlines by heading up to the roof. Restoring the landlines is as simple as flipping a switch, but you have to fight your way through a horde of Rachnis. Stay in the hallway and let them come to you. From there, head down to the main reactor. You’ll have to fight off a lot of Geth to reach the reactor, but when you do, you can restore the fuel line and bring the station fully back online.

Return to Mira to learn of a new problem: Rachnis are in the decontamination area. You can open the gates that hold them back to take them on by yourself, if you wish (and this may be the more profitable approach, given their penchant for dropping credits by the fistful), or you can attempt to fix the failsafe device that will flush all of them out with plasma jets. The latter will probably net you more experience, but you’ll need to have a fairly advanced Electronics skill character, or 25 omnigel to burn. The former will almost certainly net you more credits.

To Rift Station

Regardless of your choice, head through decontamination and head through to the Rift Station. Only the Science Station lab elevator will be working, so head on up. Speak to Captain Ventralis here to learn more about the situation, and receive an access card that will let you move on. He’ll also tell you that Matriarch Benezia is in the Hot Labs. You may want to check the merchant nearby before moving down though; he may be inaccessible to you later.


Before attempting to complete the main mission here, head down to the medical bay behind Ventralis and talk to Dr. Cohen. He’ll give you the Quarantine quest; he wants you to head to the quarantine lab and help find a cure for the sick scientists. You’ll need to talk to Ventralis again and convince him to let you into the lab.

After speaking to Ventralis, take the elevator to the Quarantine Lab/Barracks and speak to the guard outside the lab; he’ll let you through. Head in and use the terminal to make the cure. The minigame here is simple: press A to start it, then press the highlighted button when the meter is in between the two arrows on top of it. Do this a few times and you’ll have your cure.

Unfortunately, the Asari you saw earlier comes to assassinate you here. Kill her, then return to Dr. Cohen with the cure. He’ll let you access the maintenance areas if you wish; that will let you avoid the Hot Labs. Doing the Hot Labs as well will simply mean a lot of extra experience, though, so it’s worth doing.

The Hot Labs

There are plenty of parts to the Rift Station that you’ll want to explore here, but for now, you can head down into the Hot Labs by returning to the tram station. You can find the elevator that leads to the Hot Labs in there. If you speak to Yaroslev Tartakovsky inside, he’ll tell you all about the Rachni, and the need to arm the neutron purge that will eliminate all life from the Hot Labs. He’ll give you the keycard required to initiate the purge, but is killed before he can input the code into Mira. D’oh!

Grab the codes from his body, then head to the Mira terminal in the back room here. If you start the neutron purge, you’ll have two minutes to return to the elevator before you all get wiped out. There will be a bunch of Rachni waiting for you in the room where Tartakovsky was sitting, so you’ll have to fight your way through them to the elevator, but you should have enough time to do so.

You can return to Ventralis’ station now; he’s moved back a bit into the Rift Station. When you reach him, he’ll open fire on you under orders from Benezia. No choice but to take him out! Ventralis himself has a pretty nasty weapon, so try to nail him with a Singularity or Lift to keep him incapacitated while you deal with his soldiers.

Finding Benezia

Benezia is somewhere in the labs: that much seems clear. It seems likely that she’s in the Secure Labs in the center of this complex. You can check the Medilabs here for some items, as well as the Guard Barracks. When you’re ready to move to the Secure Labs, you have two options: you can either head north through Security and reach them directly, or take the elevator to the Quarantine Lab, which will let you move through the back corridors of the facility. The former route will alert the guards in the Secure Labs to your presence, while the latter is considered “sneaking in” and may let you fight fewer guards. Since we like a fight, we took the former route.

Fighting Benezia

Regardless, when you enter the Secure Labs, you will indeed encounter Benezia. (Try to loot first aid kits from the area before heading in, as you’ll likely need them.) This boss fight is a multi-phase encounter; she won’t engage you directly at first, but will instead bring in Asari commandos and Geth warriors in shifts.

You begin this fight in the northeastern corner of the lab area. The first wave of enemies will come from your south, then from the northwestern corner. What you may find helpful here is to head to the northwestern corner as soon as the fight begins, then move down to the middle-western walkway. You won’t have much cover, but since Benezia doesn’t move, she won’t be able to fire on you or use her biotic powers on you through the cage that holds the rachni queen.

The last encounter here will take place with groups of enemies in the northwestern and southeastern corners. Use grenades and area-of-effect abilities to take them down, then deal with Benezia herself. She’ll give you the location of Saren’s next objective, the Mu Relay, then turn on you and attack with some powerfully bad voice acting. It’s difficult to overcome, but it’s doable. When she attacks again, quickly use your powers on her, bust down her health, then take out the Asari commandos in the room to finish the fight.

Approach the rachni cage here to deal with the queen. You can choose to let it go for paragon points or burn it up, presumably for renegade points. With that done, check the area for crates, then head back to the tram via the shortcut nearby and get back to your ship.

Return To The Normandy

Head back to the ship to talk down the mission. If your character has been carrying on romance plots with more than one teammate, they’ll likely come to a head now; Kaiden and Liara both confronted our character, for instance, forcing us to choose. Regrettably, a menage a trois situation doesn’t seem to be very palatable to anyone. Make your choice and move on.

Vermire: Saren’s Base

As a note here: after completing the fourth of the four main missions, you will automatically be returned back to the Citadel and after the next time you leave you’ll be prevented from heading back there. If you want to complete any side quests, be sure to do so before heading to Vermire; otherwise some of them will wind up uncompletable.

Go To Vermire

A salarian spy team has some kind of info on Saren. You need to rendezvous with them and discover what precisely it is they know. After landing, you’ll have a lengthy Mako section that will see you attempting to disable the planet’s AA towers. Keep in mind that some of the overhanging structures that the Geth inhabit here can be entered if you get out of the Mako and look for stairwells.

After shutting down the anti-air turrets (check the control rooms in the facilities you come across) and opening the gates that impede your progress, you’ll reach the Salarian camp, where you’ll learn that Saren has cured the Krogan genophage and is planning to unleash an army of Krogans to match his geth.

Survival Of The Fittest

Speak to Wrex on the beach here, but save your game first. This is an important conversation, and you and Wrex will eventually wind up gun to gun. There’s apparently only three outcomes here: either you shoot Wrex, Ashley shoots Wrex, or you use your Charm or Intimidate skill to talk Wrex down and you all walk away. Hope you’ve been investing in your speechcraft!

With that done, speak to Kirrahe. He’ll offer you a chance to sneak around to the back of Saren’s facility and infiltrate quietly, but it will mean sending either Ashley or Kaiden to an almost certain death. You have to choose one of them to accompany Kirrahe’s men; there’s apparently no way around it. Keep in mind that sending your loved one may wind up preventing you from completing your romantic interactions with them. Regardless, you have to choose someone, so pick one or the other and volunteer them. For the record, we picked Kaiden, but you’ll have to make another choice in a little while.

Before starting the mission, sell any unnecessary goods to Commander Rentola and hack the station nearby him to get some amps. When that’s done, speak to Kirrahe to get his little Shatner-esque speech, then get ready to move on to the mission.


Your team is tasked with taking out the AA guns above Saren’s base, but you also need to help Kirrahe and his men by disabling as much of the Geth defenses as possible. Begin by heading north to the communications tower near where you begin and using the machine there to disrupt the Geth communications. There’s a satellite uplink to the west; destroy the targetable tower there to continue the disruption. Another target is the northern refueling bay: kill the drones there, as well as the fuel tanks.

When you reach the entranceways to the lab, check your map; you’ll note that there are entrances to the north and to the south. Walk onto the beach through the gap in the guardrail and take the southern entrance; it’ll require you to hack into the door controls. When you do, though, you’ll soon come across a security station that will let you disable the alarms in the base. You can choose to reroute the alarms so that more of them occur near Kirrahe’s men, but that’d be pretty mean.

Into The Labs

You start making your way up through the facility here, starting with Cell Block B. Letting the salarian here out of his cell will force you to fight him, but it will earn you paragon points.

From this point, you should try to explore the base a bit before moving on with your objectives. The Maintenance and Warehouse areas aren’t important to explore, but they have enemies that will net you more cash. (Following the path from them will lead you back to the rear entrance of the base.) If you take the stairs down to the Detention Cells from the mid-level Security Office, you can find more Salarians to deal with.

When you’re ready to move on, though, take the elevator up to the Lab. You’ll have to kill Doctor Droyas. Put him down, then head to the security office to meet up with Rana Thanoptis, the administrator of the facility. After she unlocks the path to the communications tower, head up through the elevator for another vision…and an interesting conversation.

Disable AA Guns

Head back down to the security office; the path leading to the breeding facility is now open. Head around the outside of the Base Main Level, poking around near the stairs for obscured crates, until you reach the security control that’ll shut down the first AA gun. Activate it, then defeat the counterattack and head up the elevator. Make your way through the breeding trench here to meet up with Ashley.

Ashley, Kaiden, Kaiden, Ashley

Save your game before heading up the elevator here, if possible; another tough decision awaits. You’ll have to choose between proceeding forward and nabbing Kaiden or falling back to protect Ashley. Whomever you choose will wind up being the individual that lives through this mission; the other one will be staying behind. If you choose to head back to Ashley, the fight will be slightly more difficult, as you’ll face off against your first Geth Prime. This hulking beast will have extremely quick shield regeneration, but you will be able to take it down if you hit it with everything you’ve got.

Your first encounter with Saren will occur here, no matter which team member you’ve saved. He’s tough, but not impossible to beat, especially since you’ll be taking him on three-on-one. Hit him with Overload, Sabotage, and everything else you can think of, then use your weapon skills to finish him off. He won’t die, of course, but he will retreat, allowing you to escape Vermire before the nuke detonates.

Back To Normandy

When you return to Normandy, you’ll have your path to the Conduit. If you completed enough of the side objectives to help out Kirrahe’s men, he and they will be in your Engineering section, and Rentola will sell you some unique objects, including a couple of rare licenses. Be sure to nab them before heading to your next destination, as they’ll leave the ship when you do so.

The Last Citadel Trip

When you complete the four main missions (Noveria, Feros, Vermire, and Find Liara T’Soni), you’ll automatically be warped back to the Citadel. Unfortunately for you, the Normandy will be grounded and you’ll be prevented from leaving the station; apparently the visual proof of Sovereign’s existence from Eden Prime isn’t enough for the Council to go on. Soon enough, you’ll get a message indicating that Captain Anderson wants to speak to you; he’s waiting for you in Flux.

Head down to Flux and dance with Doran for a gag, then speak to Anderson. He’ll offer to remove the lockdown on the Normandy, and will need a recommendation as to how to do so. If left to his own devices, he’ll hack into Udina’s computer and remove the shutdown orders from there. Either path will be dangerous, but he has to perform one of them. Either way you go, he’ll succeed, but he’ll be placing himself in mortal danger for you.

Go to Ilos

When you’re off the reservation, feel free to complete any side quests that you like before heading to Ilos.

Citadel Revisit Assignments

The Fourth Estate

After coming down off of the elevator to meet with Captain Anderson, a reporter will be waiting for you. You can speak to her or not; it’s up to you. If you do agree to speak with her, you’ll be able to respond to a number of questions she poses you. If you have high Charm or Intimidate, you can respond eloquently; otherwise your answers will be rather plain. You may not want to mention Saren, however.

Family Matter

Rebekah and Michael are arguing in the financial district. If you talk to them, you can convince them to pursue one or the other option. There’s no particular right or wrong choice here, so do as you like. Either way, it’s basically free experience.

Old, Unhappy, Far-Off Things

A man named Zabaleta will call you over if you happen to run through the Wards Access corridor. He says he’s an old friend of your mothers, and asks for 20 credits to buy a meal. Loan him the money, if you like, then return to the Normandy and use the communications room to check in with your mother. (The backstory here may change based on the history of your character you created.)

If you do so, after Anderson unlocks your ship, your mother will confirm Zabaleta’s story and asks you to urge him to head to the VA Office for treatment. Unfortunately, if you’ve already left Citadel for Ilos, then this mission becomes uncompletable at this point. We’ll return to it in an update to this guide.

Our Own Worst Enemy

If you head to the Wards, one Charles Saracino will enlist your aid in an upcoming election; he’s running on an Earth-first platform. Hear out his ideas and accept or reject his offer to issue a statement of support.

Negotiator’s Request

You’ll run into Elias Keeler outside of Flux. He requests that you purchase a regulated stimulant for him from the medical offices here in the Wards. You can attempt to talk him into getting treatment immediately, if you like. You get no cash reward for this option, but slightly more experience. Actually buying the stimulant for him and handing it over is a neutral action in terms of paragon/renegade, but if you buy him the depressant instead, that’ll net you a decent number of renegade points.

Find The Conduit

Knockin’ Boots

When you’re done on the Citadel, you can take off for Ilos. Before you land, you’ll have the opportunity to complete your romantic subplot with your chosen mate. Do what you do best, then get ready to head for Saren’s base on the planet.

Override The Security

After you land, head south into the Plaza, being careful not to upset the two Armatures there. Well, you can’t really help but upset them, but you can kill them when they come around to attack you. Head down the ramp into the Lower Ruins here; there’s a computer marked Armature Control that will presumably shut down any Armatures you haven’t encountered yet.

Anyway, continue to make your way south through the Courtyard, towards the elevator down that way. When you reach the bottom, move into the Armature Room, but hide behind one of the stairwells on your left or right and use it as cover from the many Geth here. You can also try to hack into one of the Armature Repair Bays here, to turn an Armature to your side, but it’s probably not necessary. Get to the security room here and access the panel to open the path to the Archives.

The Archives is essentially one long line. Some light Geth defenses will have been set up, but nothing major. Make your way to the force field and then exit the Mako, entering the doorway and elevator nearby. The Watcher is there.

Save The Citadel

After your lengthy conversation with Vigil, you’ll have to restart your pursuit of Saren. Head through the trenches below the Archives to reach the Conduit, which has already been activated. You’ll have to drive through it to make your way back to the Citadel. You can talk with Avina if you wish, but your main goal here is to reach and use the elevator near your starting point.

After you get stuck in the maintenance shaft, start walking! You have plenty of enemies to fight here, but you should be well-geared for combat, so you won’t have much to worry about. The farther you go, though, the more likely you’ll be to run into an enemy dropship. When you do, quickly find the three Citadel Defense Turrets scattered around it and hack them. If you do so quickly enough, you can shoot down the dropship automatically while your party concentrates on the enemies themselves.

Eventually, you’ll reach the Exterior Defense Grid, where a number of heavy turrets will have been set up. You can avoid them by sticking to the long access trench to the east, or you can hack and blow up the turrets themselves for lots of experience. At the southeastern corner of the Grid is a panel that will let you return to the interior of the Citadel.

Finish This

Make your way up through the Citadel Tower towards the Council meeting area. More Geth stand in your way, but hey—they’re there to be killed. You’ll find Saren at the end of the line. It’s time to end this fight once and for all, but before you head up to him, you’ll want to save your game; the final portions of the game involve some choices.

First Saren Fight

In the first dialogue with Saren, an interesting option appears. If you’ve increased your Charm or Intimidate enough (presumably you need to max it out), then you can actually talk Saren into shooting himiself in the head! It’s a pretty badass option, and one you’ll definitely want to use if you’re playing on a difficulty higher than Normal.

If you don’t have enough speechcraft abilities, or simply wish to fight, then get started on Saren. He’s fairly tough, understandably. He’s got a lot of shields, does good damage with his pistol, and dashes about the area very quickly; he’ll be hard to hit unless you have aim assist turned up. What’s more, he can use Sabotage and Damping on your characters, preventing anyone from attacking for a while.

The best way to proceed here is to wear him down over time. Use Polonium or Inferno ammo to prevent him from healing, use Overload of your own to wear down his shields, and let your teammates do most of the damage if you’re having a hard time hitting him. He’s immune to most biotic attacks while he flies around, so you’ll want to take him down with your weapons. Keep up the pressure on him, prevent him from healing with special ammo, take down his shields, and eventually he’ll fall—literally. He’ll actually give you loot when he dies, but it’s all terrible level two stuff.

The Choice

Your choice now is to either save the Council—a paragon act—or ignore their distress calls. You can save your game immediately after killing Saren here, if you like, in case you want to investigate the three options available to you.

Second Saren Fight

After you make your call, Saren will reanimate and come at you again. He’s essentially a super-powered Geth Hopper at this point; he’ll jump all over the walls and the ceiling while attempting to shoot at you. He doesn’t seem to use his Sabotage or Damping powers here, but he’ll still be very tough to beat, if only because he’s so difficult to shoot.

Luckily, Saren/Sovereign is not immune to biotics or tech, at least not on Veteran difficulty. Every so often, a lucky Lift will break through, incapactitating him for a few seconds; it’s at these times that you want to unload on him with Marksman or whatever your weapon skill might be. Overload his shields down (he has a lot of them) and keep the pressure on him at all times to prevent the shields from regenerating.

There will be an interlude in this mission, after which his shields will probably be fully restored, so watch for that. Also, he’ll periodically attach himself to the ceiling and rapidly fire rockets at you. Hide behind the single pillar in the room to avoid these, and be sure to use Unity as soon as possible after a teammate goes down. If you head into this fight without a lot of medi-gels, it can be difficult to survive, especially on higher difficulty levels, but if you wait until Saren’s incapacitated by a Lift or Singularity or something, you’ll have a much better chance of taking him down.

The Endgame

After completing the game, you’ll unlock a new difficulty setting, Hardcore, as well as the ability to reach level 60 in the game. You can also restart the game with the same character you have now, at the same level. You’ll need to ramp up the difficulty to keep things challenging, though. Or you can restart the game with a new character class for extra fun.

Other Assignments

As you roam the galaxy, you’ll pick up distress calls, hack terminals with odd information, and otherwise stumble across side missions. Feel free to explore if you like; most quests will have a starter assignment (“go to this system and check out this planet!”), but if you simply stumble across the quest destinations, you’ll still be capable of completing them, even if they won’t have much context. For instance, if a quest assigns you to travel to planet Urkel to kill a bounty hunter, you can travel to planet Urkel and kill the bounty hunter even without obtaining the starter quest; you’ll complete the quest when you kill the bounty hunter, even though you were basically just fooling around.

We’re aware that this isn’t a complete list; some of the quests that we picked up wound up being incompletable after you head to Ilos. If you want to get all the side quests done, explore the galaxy thoroughly before completing the fourth of the main missions in the game. We’ll update the guide in the future with more of the side quests, but for the most part they’re simple to complete…with one exception.

Prothean Mysteries

The Prothean Artifact

On the planet of Eletania, in the Hercules system of the Attican Beta cluster, there lies a mysterious Prothean artifact in the southwestern corner of the map. It’s very difficult to get to with the Mako, as it lies nestled in a valley that’s hard to climb to. If you reach it, it’ll activate, and say that there’s some kind of keyhole in it. But where’s the key?

The key to the Artifact is in a strange place. Remember Shi’ara, the Asari consort back on Citadel? Apparently you can obtain a Prothean trinket from her if you complete both of the quests that revolve around her on the Citadel; one involves General Septimius and the other revolves around the Elcor diplomat. Complete both and return to her, and she’ll give you the trinket if you respond correctly to her questions. This is only true if you’re a paragon, by the way; if you have more renegade points, you’ll get a more personal thanks.

UNC Quests

UNC: Missing Survey Team

You can “find” this quest by riding the elevators on Citadel Station; we obtained it just as we were heading up to see Udina and Anderson before obtaining the Normandy for our own. It indicates that a survey team in the Hades Gamma cluster has dropped out of contact. Head to the Antaeus system and land on Trebin to track them down.

When you land, check out the prefabricated pods at the survey team’s site; one of the computer consoles there indicates that the team unearthed alien technology. If you head into the digsite, you’ll find that they’ve all been turned into Husks. Whoops! Kill them all to end the mission.

UNC: Major Kyle

If you head to the Hawking Eta cluster, you’ll pick up this quest. A man named Major Kyle has set up a messianic cult. It’s up to you to investigate and see if you can get Kyle to return for treatment. Head to the system in the Hawking Eta cluster and land on the small moon Presrop there.

When you reach the compound, you’ll need to talk your way inside the building. You can try and talk your way inside, if you like, or simply storm the place. If you do manage to convince Kyle to see you, you can find him in the science station, a bit away from the main building here. If you have enough Charm or Intimidate, you can convince him that either he surrenders himself, or the entire base will be held responsible for the deaths of the investigators. He’ll offer to surrender, but will need you to leave him behind while he explains his surrender to his followers. If you return to your ship, you can click on the map to conclude the mission.

On the other hand, if you decide to fight your way through the compound, you can then clear out the science station and still talk Kyle into coming with you, or simply shooting him and finishing off his followers. You gain a lot of paragon points for talking down Kyle, but you don’t necessarily gain renegade points for killing him, if you say that he’s leaving you no other option. Killing everyone also nets you a lot more experience and cash than the peaceful method.

UNC: Missing Marines

If you speak to Admiral Kahoku in the Council Tower after becoming a Spectre (you can also follow the Banes trail from Michel’s blackmailing mission to Anderson to him), he’ll ask you find out what happened to a team of marines that have gone missing in the Sparta System. Obviously enough, they were kicked down a well after their diplomatic overtures were rebuffed.

Head to the Artemis Tau cluster, Sparta system, then land on planet Edolus. You’ll have to fight off a Thresher Maw to find the marines, but when you do, it’ll appear that a distress beacon was used to lure them into the Maw’s area of influence and kill them. Return to Kahoku to turn in the quest.

UNC: Cerberus

After handing in the Missing Marines quest, this assignment will probably appear as you travel around the galaxy. It involves a Cerberus outpost on the planet Binthu, in the Yangtze system in the Voyager cluster. Go there and investigate all three of the Cerberus bases; one of them will have Kohaku’s body in it. Find it and return to the Normandy to start…

UNC: Hades’ Dogs

When you return to the Normandy, you’ll be able to track down the main Cerberus base. It’s on Nepheron in the Columbia System, Voyager Cluster. Head there and kill everything you see! You’ll find a terminal in the rear of the facility; grab the data on it to end the mission. When you return to the ship, you’ll be contacted by an agent of the Shadow Broker; you can choose whether or not to sell him the data, but doing so is a renegade move.

UNC: Lost Module

When you arrive in the Attican Beta Cluster, you’ll receive a message asking you to travel to the Hercules system there to find a data module that’s crashed on the planet. Land on Eletania when you reach the system and make your way to the module.

You’ll discover that a monkey from one of the monkey tribes nearby has apparently stolen the data disc. Head to the northernmost monkey colony on your map to find a set of caves; one of the monkeys in the rear room will have the data disc. Grab it from him and fight your way through the Geth to finish the mission.

UNC: Hostage

Another quest you’ll probably pick up by riding an elevator in the Citadel. This one explains that a politician has been kidnapped by biotics, who are on a freighter in the Hades Gamma cluster, Faranita System.

Head there and board the MSV Ontario. You only have three minutes to kill all of the biotics in the first large room here; any longer, and they’ll kill the hostage. It shouldn’t be too hard to take them all down in that timeframe, though. When you do, you’ll have to enter negotiations with their leader. If you don’t have the proper Charm/Intimidate skills, the hostage will probably die; otherwise, you can convince the remaining biotics to surrender.

UNC: Asari Diplomacy

In your travels, you’ll eventually find a datapad from a mercenary named Dahlia Dantius, who was threatening her diplomat sister on the Citadel. There’s probably a starter quest for this, but we happened to run into Dahlia on an otherwise unremarkable planet and killed her. If you return to Nassana, in the embassy bar on the Citadel, you can try to sweettalk her into letting you buy prototype Asari weapon mods.

UNC: Rogue VI

You’ll obtain this mission after warping into a system; you’ll receive a communication from Admiral Hackett telling you to return to Sol and help defeat a training VI that’s gone rogue.

Head to the Local Cluster and find the tiny dot near Earth that indicates Luna’s presence. Land on it, find the facility, then use one of the entrance consoles on the structures outside after defeating the turrets. Inside, you’ll find a swarm of assault bots, as well as eight VI conduits. Destroy the conduits, then repeat the process at each of the other facilities to finish the VI off entirely. (The binary text you get at the end of the mission simply reads “HELP”.)

You’ll be able to select a specialization for your class at the end of this mission, for some reason. This will be different for each character class, so read your options carefully! The choice that you make will be added to your skill tree on top of the default character class skill. E.g. our engineer selected to be an Operative, so the Engineer skill had five or six ranks added to the end of it with added bonuses for the electronics and decryption skills.

UNC: Beseiged Base

After warping to a system (for us, it was the Gagarin system in the Armstrong Nebula), you’ll receive a transmission about a beseiged research facility in the Cacus System of the Hades Gamma cluster. You’ll have to find some way to eliminate the biotic terrorists while saving the researchers.

Head to Chohe, in the Cacus System of the Gamma Hades Cluster. You need to kill the biotics here without harming the scientists. The scientists will wander around the combat area, getting in your line of fire, so you have to be careful. The best way to proceed here will be to enter the combat zone and try to lure the biotics back through the hallway towards the entrance. When the bulk of them are cleared out, you can make your way through the rest of the facility, trying to avoid getting anywhere near the scientists; that’ll help you avoid hurting them by accident. When all of the biotics are down, return to the Normandy and use the map to relay the info to Admiral Hackett.

UNC: Distress Call

If you head to the Hydra System of the Argos Rho Cluster and attempt to investigate the planet Metgos, you’ll receive a distress call from a ship that’s crash-landed there. Land on the planet, find the wreckage, defeat the Geth ambush, and move on.

UNC: Lost Freighter

We never actually got the starter quest for this assignment, but we stumbled across a freighter in the Ming system of the Gemini Sigma cluster. After boarding the ship, you can play the logs of the crew to discover that a biotic named Julia went crazy after her boyfriend was about to be taken off life support. She’s killed the crew, but she won’t be able to do much to you. Kill her, then make the call as to whether or not you want to take Jacob off life support.

UNC: Espionage Probe

If you enter the Voyager Cluster and head to the Amazon system, you’ll receive this quest. Apparently a booby-trapped probe has landed somewhere in the Voyager Cluster. You need to find it and dismantle it before anyone else does.

Head to the Amazon system and land on Agebinium. The probe is located in a set of caves. Unfortunately, when you get there, it’s apparent that the caves are a trap! For you! Personally!

The nuke will have three hardpoints on it that need to be disabled. The minigames here are easier than they normally are, but if you have the omni-gel it’s probably easier to simply spend it to disable them. When you do that, take the back exit to come out on top of a hill above your enemy’s position. You can charge down the hill to the Mako there and use it to clear out your foes, then return to the Normandy.

Missing Person/UNC: Privateers

In Noveria, you can hack a computer in the Sythentic Interests office to receive this quest. A man named Garoth is worried about his brother, whose ship was attacked by privateers in the Strenuus System.

You won’t have to travel far to reach Strenuus; it’s just on the other side of the Horse’s Head galaxy, where Noveria is also located. It can be tough to spot what you’re looking for here, especially on an SDTV, but just to the left of Xawin there’s a hotspot in the system. Scan it, then land on Xawin. The privateer camp there will have Willem’s body in it, along with a datapad. Bring it back to Garoth in the Citadel Tower to end the mission.

UNC: Derelict Freighter

You’ll find a drifting freighter in the Caspian system of the Maroon sea. Head on board, kill the Husks, then check the navigation log to discover the true fate of the crew.

UNC: Listening Post Alpha

Head to the Styx Theta Cluster and proceed to the Erebus System. A listening post on the planet Nepmos there is being overrun by alien forces. Time for you to intervene.

Land on Nepmos and make your way to the listening station. You may spot rachni on the way there. When you arrive, defeat the Rachni nearby, then speak to Lieutenant Durand; there’s another large group of rachni coming your way! You can choose to fight them on foot by using the Mako to power the turrets here, or get into the Mako itself and use that in combat. Keep in mind that the rachni’s acid breath will ignore the Mako’s shields, though.

We decided to use the generator and power up the turrets. Durand and her men are seemingly indestructible here, so stay back behind the barriers and position your teammates between two of them to fire away while you hold the rear. If one of them goes down, use Unity and bring them back to you until you’re in the clear.

You may have to defeat two waves of Rachni here; we did, at any rate. After you do, Durand will ask you to check in on an outpost that’s gone offline, as well as clear out the main concentration of Rachni underground. You may have already cleared out the outpost, but in any case, you’ll want to check out the mine. If you can head in there and clear the place out, including the two Brood Warriors in the small rooms, you will be successful in eliminating the Rachni from Nepmos.

UNC: Depot Sigma-23

If you land on the planet Altahe in the Archeron system in the Styx Theta cluster (preferably after completing the Listening Post Alpha quest), you can find another listening post there. Kill the rachni around it and check the terminal inside to find the source of the rachni invasion: Depot Sigma-23 in the Gorgon System in the Argos Rho cluster.

Head there and land on the “unidentified space facility” to uncover the mystery. You’ll have to kill the rachni here to find the terminal. Play all of the entries, then set the charges on the ship and book it before the place blows.

UNC: Dead Scientists

A group of UNC scientists has been winding up dead lately, and Hackett thinks that there may be some kind of coverup involved. All of the scientists that have died worked on the same project, but one scientist from the experiment is still alive. He’s in the Newton system of the Kepler Verge. Head there and land on Ontarom.

When you enter the underground facility and kill the mercs, you’ll come across Dr. Wayne and one Corporal Toombs. Toombs has some interesting accusations about Wayne. You can attempt to talk down Toombs, but you may need to have some Charm points in order to do so. Otherwise, you can let him shoot the good doctor, or take down Toombs with violence. Either way, completing the conversation will end the mission.

Investigate Facility/UNC: Exogeni Facility

You’ll find this quest by hacking into an ExoGeni terminal on Feros. Apparently they had a facility on Nodacrux, and suspect that it somehow caused the facility to shut down. Time to investigate. Travel to the Vostuk System in the Maroon Sea cluster to find the facility.

After defeating the Thorian Creepers inside the facility, you can make your way to the main scientist here. If you attempt to arrest her, she’ll try to kill you. You can either pursue that course of action or accept her payout and let her leave.

Unaffiliated Assignments

These are simply quests that aren’t related to the UNC, but they’re well worth doing.

Person Of Interest/Hostile Takeover

Hack one of the computers in the C-Sec Academy to pick this one up, after you’ve completed the first four missions and returned to the Citadel. C-Sec is investigating a suspected criminal named Helena Blake. She’s somewhere in the Financial District.

You’ll find Ms. Blake outside of the merchant area in the Financial District. She has a business proposition for you: take out two of her crime boss associates, and she’ll reward you kindly. You can tell her “I won’t do this”, if you like, and you’ll still receive the coordinates of the crime bosses, in addition to paragon points. When you leave the Citadel again, you can start tracking your targets.

One of them is located in the Dis System of the Hades Gamma cluster, on the planet Klensal. The other is located on Mavigon in the Han system of the Gemini Sigma cluster. When both of them are dead, head to the Fortuna system in the Horse Head Nebula and land on Amaranthine.

You’ll run into Helena when you enter the base. You can attempt to talk her into walking away from the gang entirely, if you want some paragon points, but the better solution is to attempt to arrest her, or to simply goad her into a fight. Killing her and the rest of her gang will net you plenty of experience and cash, far more than simply accepting her offer of walking away will.

Geth Activities

You’ll find this quest by hacking into a Geth terminal in the upper level of the ExoGeni building on Feros. It details a mass of Geth ships in the Armstrong Nebula; sounds like you should check it out. If you do, Admiral Hackett will fill you on in the locations of four Geth bases. It’ll be up to you to take them out.

The outposts are on Gagarin: Rayingri, Tereshkova: Antibaar, Hong: Casbin, and Vamshi: Maji. After attacking the pure outposts, keep in mind that Geth Dropships will usually deposit more forces on the ground. You can shoot down the Dropships with your cannon, if you wish, but it will take a while to do so, and you’ll be exposed to fire from the ground troops. Also keep in mind that taking down your enemies on foot will net you more experience than killing them with the Mako; if you manage to wear down a Colossus or something strong like that, you can pop out of the vehicle and finish it off with your weapons for more experience.

When you’ve destroyed all four bases, the Grissom system will open up, which is where the primary Geth base is located. Land on Solcrum, a small moon of one of the planets there, to find it. Kill everyone in the base and hack the terminals to unlock the Tali and the Geth quest.

Tali And The Geth

On the Solcrum moon in the Grissom system, as a part of the Geth Activities quest, you’ll find a terminal you can hack to start this quest. Bring the data back to Tali, and she’ll ask for a copy of it for her Pilgrimage. You can withhold it, if you like, or give it to her; it’s up to you.

Investigate Samples/Colony Of The Dead

Another quest from Feros; hack the Server Node there to retrieve it. Something about samples that were sent to the Matano system. Head there (it’s in the Maroon Sea cluster) and land on Chasca. There are a few settlements here, but everyone around has been turned into Husks. Check the buildings here for clues. In the southwestern facility on the hill (the science station), you’ll find a terminal where you can download the logs of the base and complete the mission.

Wrex: Family Armor

If you speak with Wrex in between every mission, he’ll eventually give you this quest, which involves tracking down a turian who stole his family armor and is now hiding at a base somewhere in the Argus Rho cluster. Head there and proceed to the Phoenix system and land on Tuntau. Don’t forget to bring Wrex along in your landing party.

On your map should be a “hidden structure”. Head there and pop inside for a peek. Tonn Actus will be inside, along with a horde of pirates. Kill everyone and poke around in the numerous crates in the back rooms to find the Warlord armor. It’s decent enough, but you can probably find better. Regardless, it’s what Wrex wanted. Wait until he acknowledges the mission completion, then reduce it to omni-gel to have a laugh at his expense.

Garrus: Find Dr. Saleon

If you speak to Garrus enough during the intermissions, you’ll eventually be able to unlock this quest. Garrus was at one point tracking Dr. Saleon on the Citadel, but the criminal managed to escape before he could be brought to justice. He’s escaped to the Herschel system in the Kepler Verge. Head there and board his ship, the MSV Fedele, but be sure to bring Garrus along for the ride.

Kill your way through the test subjects in the ship until you find Dr. Heart. He’ll claim to know nothing about your Dr. Saleon. No matter how you pursue the conversation, he’ll attack you. Kill him and get back to the ship.

Survey Assignments and Survey Data

A few of the assignments you get will simply be busywork; they task you with tracking down writings, medallions, or metals. It doesn’t appear that there’s much of a bonus for actually completing these missions; you get a set amount of XP and cash when you find each individual component of them, and when you find the last item, you get the same rewards as you did for all the others and the mission is complete. Most of the missions will be completable if you simply scour the entire galaxy top to bottom and be sure to check every planet and every signal on planets that you land on.

The five survey quests that we found were Valuable Minerals, Locate Signs of Battle, Turian Insignias, Asari Writings, and Prothean Data Discs. In most cases, there’ll be more of the items than you need to find scattered about, so there’ll be a little buffer for you to rely on. In any case, if you don’t feel like you want to survey every single planet and anomaly that you run across, feel free not to! The rewards are decent for collecting objects, but not to the point where you’re going to miss out on anything if you don’t complete these missions.

Anyway, here’s our rough notes on where you can find certain stuff. Also, keep in mind that some systems will be off-limits to you until you unlock them by completing missions and side-quests.

Some planets have multiple listings; this indicates that you’ll need to land to find everything. Some items that you can find don’t appear on the game’s radar when you land on a planet. You can cover the entire planet looking for crap, if you like; usually we just went from landmark to landmark on our own and made detours to check out whatever popped up on our radar.

Artemis Tau Cluster

Sparta SystemOntamalca: HydrogenAlsages: Rare Element (Plutonium)Asteroid Cluster: Prothean Data DiscEdolus: Light Metal (Lithium)Knossos SystemArchanes: NitrogenAthens SystemProteus: OxygenCirce: Helium-3Pharos: Turian InsigniaMacedon SystemPorolan: Matriarch’s WritingsFargeluse: Xenon Gas

Hercules System

Syided: League of One medallionZatorus: Heavy Metal (Gold)Eletania: Heavy Metal (Gold)Eletania: Heavy Metal (Palladium)

Feros System

Quana: CobaltSharring: Prothean Data Disc

Matano System

Rocky Asteroid: Prothean Data DiscSupay: Light Metal (Magnesium)Chasca: Prothean Data DiscChasca: Light Metal (Beryllium)

Caspian System

Clotanca: Heavy Metal (Iridium)Farnuri: Heavy Metal (Gold)

Vostuk System

Antida: Turian InsigniaMetallic Asteroid: Heavy Metal (Palladium)Pataiton: Matriarch’s WritingsNodacrux: Heavy Metal (Gold)Nodacrux: Turian Insignia

Amazon System

Sonedma: Rare Element (Polonium)Sybin: Turian InsigniaTremar: Gas Deposit (Nitrogen)Agebinium: Rare Element (Samarium)Agebinium: Turian Insignia

Horse Head Cluster

Strennus System Yunthori: League of One MedallionAntitarra: Gas Deposit (Helium-3)Xawin: Heavy Metal (Iridium). You need to land on the planet as a result of the Mission Person assignment that you can find on Noveria.Insignia (Turian?)Light Metal (Cobalt)Heavy Metal (Palladium)Pax SystemVeles: Matriarch’s Writings

Fortuna System

Maganlis: Turian InsigniaTherumlon: Rare Element (Plutonium)Amaranthine: Heavy Metal (Iridium)Amaranthine: Turian Insignia

Gagarin System

Junthor: Matriarch’s WritingsAntirumgon: Light Metal (Cobalt)Rayringri: Rare Element (Thorium, must land)League of One Medallion (must land)Rare Element (Polonium, must land)

Tereshkova System

Patamalrus: Heavy Metal (Iridium)Thegeuse: Heavy Metal (Mercury)Carbonaceous Asteroid: League of One Medallion (look for the bright light in the asteroid field)Antibaar: Prothean Data Disc (must land)Antibaar: Light Metal (Magnesium)

Hong System

Matar: Matriarch’s WritingsTreagir: Light MetalCasbin: ID TagCasbin: Heavy Metal (Gold)Casbin: Rare Element (Uranium)

Vamshi System

Pregel: Turian InsigniaMaji: Rare Element (Thorium)Maji: Turian InsigniaMaji: Light Metal (Beryllium)Maji: Light Metal (Magnesium)

Grissom System

Rocky Asteroid: Rare Element (Polonium)Benda: League of One MedallionZaherux: Light Metal (Beryllium)Solcrum: Matriarch’s Writings

Century System

Metallic Asteroid: Heavy Metal (Palladium)Canctra: Light Metal (Cobalt)Tharopto: League of One MedallionPresrop: Turian InsigniaPresrop: Heavy Metal (Gold)

Erebus System

Quaji: Heavy Metal (Platinum)Wermani: Prothean Data DiscNepmos: Rare Element (Uranium)Nepmos: League of One MedallionNepmos: Light Metal (Titanium)Nepmos: Heavy Metal (Palladium)

Archeron System

Carbonaceous Asteroid: Turian InsigniaGrosalgen: Light Metal (Magnesium)Altahe: Rare Element (Samarium)Altahe: Heavy Metal (Gold)Altahe: Matriarch’s Writings

Hydra System

Canrum: Turian InsigniaSyba: Gas Deposit (Helium-3)Metgos: Turian InsigniaMetgos: Rare Element (Thorium)

Phoenix System

Carbonaceous Asteroid: Prothean Data DiscPatashi: Rare Element (Samarium)Vebinok: Light Metal (Cobalt)Tuntau: Matriarch’s WritingsTuntau: Heavy Metal (Mercury)

Antaeus System

Edmos: Gas Deposit (Hydrogen)Ploba: Matriarch’s WritingsVemal: Rare Element (Uranium)Trebin: Turian Insignia

Plutus System

Mingito: Rare Element (Uranium)Clocrolis: Rare Element (Samarium)Nonuel: Matriarch’s WritingsNonuel: Leage of One Medallion (mercenary corpse)Nonuel: Rare Element (Samarium)

Dis System

Nearrum: Light Metal (Titanium)Metallic Asteroid: Light Metal (Lithium)Raysha: Turian InsigniaKlensal: PlatinumKlensal: League of One Medallion

Cacus System

Zayarter: Heavy Metal (Mercury)Faringor: Rare Element (Polonium)Chohe: Matriarch’s Writings (three of them in crates/safe at the Anomaly)Chohe: Heavy Metal (Mercury)

Farinata System

Rocky Asteroid: Light Metal (Magnesium)Juntauma: Prothean Data DiscNepneu: Rare Element (Thorium)


Klencory: Matriarch’s WritingsJuncro: Gas Deposit (Hydrogen)Ontarom: Turian InsigniaOntarom: Heavy Metal (Palladium)

Ming System

Parag: Light Metal (Titanium)Altanorch: League of One Medallion

Han System

Paravin: Matriarch’s WritingsPatatanlis: Light Metal (Beryllium)Mavigon: Heavy Metal (Gold)Mavigon: ID Tag

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About Matthew Rorie

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