Massive Apex Legends Leak Reveals Nine New Characters

A massive Apex Legends leak has revealed nine new characters, new maps, weapons, and more, comprising of months, if not years of future Apex content, Eurogamer reports. The leak was uploaded to subreddit ApexUncovered from a throwaway account, and includes a folder that contains 15 unreleased gameplay videos and a multitude of text files detailing upcoming content.

The original download has now been taken down, but the files continue to be shared across social media, with numerous users breaking down the details contained in the leak. The leak may be the largest in Apex’s history, revealing nine seasons worth of unannounced Legends in just one of the 15 leaked videos.

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The nine new Legends showcased in one of the leaked videos all seem to be pretty far along in development, with each of them already having a full set of abilities. The new characters are called Conduct, Scryer, Caliber, Jester, Phantom, Vantage, Uplink, Newcastle, and Catalyst, and users on ApexUncovered have already broken down their play styles and abilities under the original thread. Users have speculated that Newcastle may be the next character lined up for release, as their kit seems the most finished at this point.

Other leaked content includes two new arena maps, one close to completion and another still in the early greybox phase, as well as a third new map called Divided Moon. New weapons and heirlooms have also appeared in the leaked videos, as well as a new emote for Ash and another for unreleased character Newcastle.

Respawn hasn’t commented on the leak yet, though there’s little doubt that the leaked videos are legitimate. The amount of content that looks to be lined up for the free-to-play live service game lends weight to Respawn’s recent comments that it’s committed to updating Apex well into the future. Apex Legends is currently in the middle of its 12th season, Defiance.

About Hayley Williams

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