Snake is finally coming back to a Nintendo console. As part of June 21’s Nintendo Direct, Konami announced that Metal Gear Solid: Master Collection Vol. 1 is coming to Nintendo Switch on October 24, as well as PS5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC. The package includes seven different MGS games and will cost $60.
As shown in the trailer below, the games in the collection include:
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Now Playing: METAL GEAR SOLID Master Collection Vol 1 Trailer
Metal Gear SolidMetal Gear Solid 2: Sons of LibertyMetal Gear Solid 3: Snake EaterBoth versions of the original Metal GearMetal Gear 2: Solid SnakeSnake’s Revenge
The last two MGS games to come out for a Nintendo console were Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes, an enhanced remake of the original developed by an external studio that remains controversial to some fans, and the 3DS version of MGS3: Snake Eater, which you probably forgot about.
Metal Gear Solid: Master Collection Vol. 1 is part of a slate of new series releases from Konami, the most notable of which is Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater, a full remake of Metal Gear Solid 3. The company previously confirmed that series creator Hideo Kojima will not be involved in any of these projects. For more on June’s Nintendo Direct, check out our full breakdown of the announcements and games.
Nintendo Direct June 2023: The Biggest Announcements And GamesSee More