Microsoft: Expect Xbox Series X Shortages Until June Or Later

Microsoft has told fans to expect for the ongoing Xbox Series X|S shortages to continue through summer. Microsoft’s head of investor relations, Mike Spencer, said in an interview with The New York Times that he expects supply to be limited “at least through June,” according to NYT.

This is no big surprise, as Microsoft CFO Amy Hood recently also discussed how she believes demand will continue to outstrip supply for the next-gen consoles for some time to come.

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Despite the shortages, Microsoft recently posted $5 billion in quarterly revenue for its Xbox division, which represents a new all-time high in quarterly revenue. Spencer confirmed that Microsoft sold every new Xbox unit that the company could make during the system’s launch quarter, and this helped boost Xbox hardware sales by a whopping 86% for the period.

Recently, AMD CEO Lisa Su–whose company provides the guts for the next-gen Xbox as well as PlayStation 5–said recently that supply shortages for gaming consoles, desktop CPUs, and GPUs are most likely to continue until the second half of 2021. This tracks with what Spencer is saying as well.

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Another Microsoft employee with the last name Spencer, Xbox boss Phil Spencer, has said he spoke directly with Su to gauge the situation and try to get more supply as soon as possible.

“It really is just down to physics and engineering. We’re not holding them back,” Spencer said. “We’re building them as fast as we can. We have all the assembly lines going. I was on the phone last week with Lisa Su at AMD [asking], ‘How do we get more? How do we get more?’ So it’s something that we’re constantly working on, but it’s not just us. I think gaming has really come into its own in 2020.”

Due in part to the sellouts of both the Xbox Series X|S and PS5, the Nintendo Switch–not either of the newer and more powerful systems–was the top-selling home console of 2020 in the US.

For help tracking down an Xbox Series X|S, check out our restock guide. It has updates from every major retailer so you can have the best shot of ordering a system soon.

About Eddie Makuch

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