Microsoft Wants To Bring Call Of Duty To Nintendo Switch

Microsoft president Brad Smith has said that the company wants to put Call of Duty on Nintendo Switch, if the Activision Blizzard acquisition goes through.

Speaking to CNBC, Smith reiterated Microsoft’s potential acquisition of Activision Blizzard will not stop the company’s games from appearing on rival platforms. And after Microsoft recently issued a statement that suggested more Activision Blizzard games could come to Switch, Smith more explicitly noted that may include Call of Duty.

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“One of the things we’re being very clear about as we move forward with the regulatory review of this acquisition is that great titles like Call of Duty from Activision Blizzard today, will continue to be available on the Sony PlayStation,” Smith said in the interview.

“We’d like to bring it to Nintendo devices. We’d like to bring the other popular titles that Activision Blizzard has, and ensure that they continue to be available on PlayStation, that they become available on Nintendo.”

Smith then went on to discuss Minecraft, noting how allowing that title to be multi-platform despite their acquisition of Mojang has proven to be successful. “The first acquisition made after Satya Nadella became CEO was of Minecraft,” he said. “That was back in September 2014. And what we’ve done with that acquisition, I think, is a clear indicator of what we hope to do if we acquire Activision Blizzard.”

Smith also recently released a blog post noting how Call of Duty will continue to release on PlayStation consoles even after the end of any current deals, and that Microsoft wants to continue to support Nintendo consoles as well.

The last CoD title to release on a Nintendo console was Call of Duty: Ghosts for the Wii U, which was released in 2013. A number of CoD games have been released on Nintendo consoles over the years, but have never found as much success compared to PlayStation and Xbox.

About Oisin Kuhnke

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