Minecraft Just Became The First Game With Over A Trillion Views On YouTube

Ever since it first launched in 2009, Minecraft has been a hit with viewers on YouTube, quickly becoming one of the biggest gaming communities on the video platform. Now, over a decade later, Minecraft is officially the first game to have over a trillion views on its collective YouTube content.

YouTube has launched a brand new Minecraft Culture & Trends page to mark the occasion, running through some of the many different facets that make up the game’s global community on YouTube. Minecraft has also launched a brand new easter egg-filled “Minecraft Museum” video to celebrate the huge amount of Minecraft content both created and enjoyed by its community.

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Now Playing: Minecraft Celebrates the Community Trailer

Minecraft has enjoyed the top spot among games on YouTube for a while now–by 2015, it was already the all-time most popular game among YouTubers, and had made multiple appearances at the top of previous yearly round-ups. In 2020, it was the top game for both video views and live streams by quite a margin. Its views, at 201 billion for the year, were more than twice that of the next most popular game, Roblox, which had 75 billion views.

The game itself will also be getting some new content to mark its big YouTube milestone, with a new YouTube Creator Skin Pack that will be available for free for the next year.

Minecraft is still getting substantial updates, adding to an already huge library of fan-created content and mods. The most recent official update was the Caves and Cliffs update 2 from earlier in the month, which completely overhauled how world generation works in the sandbox game.

About Hayley Williams

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