Minecraft’s new Tetris DLC incorporates the classic puzzle game in Mojang Studios’ block-building adventure in an unexpected way. Instead of just playing Tetris as you might expect, players will now explore dungeons and fight using the same block pieces that they would use in the normal game.
Thanks to the Minecraft store, we know that the Tetris DLC will be a blend of 2D and 3D. In it, players make their way “through the matrix dungeons, battling colorful Tetrimonsters and unearthing pixelated secrets.” The DLC will also feature four other game modes, and players can play solo or with friends.
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Now Playing: Minecraft – Tetris DLC Launch Trailer
Based on the trailer, one of the game modes appears to be standard Tetris, but it has a twist. Instead of placing blocks, players are trapped in the area and are forced to mine their way to the top before getting stuck. As for the dungeon crawling mode, it appears that players will eventually be forced to fight a new mob that’s made entirely of Tetris blocks.
The Tetris DLC is out now and costs 1,510 Minecraft Coins (Minecraft’s premium currency), which equates to $9.99. Those who purchase it will also get access to new clothes they can equip on their character.
If you need additional help in Minecraft, check out our guides on how to make a Beacon and an Anvil.
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