MLB The Show 22 Best Baserunning Controls

MLB The Show 22 can be as close to a simulation as you want or more arcade style depending on the type of baseball you want to play. When it comes to choosing the best control scheme for every aspect of the game, like pitching and hitting, the amount of precision you have over the game can give you an advantage. When it comes to running the bases, the options are a bit more limited, making the choice more about your personal button preference.

MLB The Show 22 – Baserunning controls explained

MLB The Show 22 has limited options when it comes to controlling baserunners, with the different control options focused on which buttons you are comfortable using as opposed to being able to have better technique on the bags. There are two different control schemes, with a third option that allows the game to take care of it for you.

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Default controls

The Default control scheme uses the bumpers to advance all baserunners or send all baserunners back. To pick individual baserunners you need to point the left stick where the individual base runner is and then press the corresponding face button to pick which base to send them to (on Xbox A would home, B would be first, Y second, and X third.) These controls are the same if you are running the bases on a hit or if you are attempting to steal during an at-bat. This is my preferred control scheme, as it makes more sense to me to point the stick at the runner I want to control and use the face buttons as the bases. The classic control scheme works just as well, but unnecessarily brings the D-Pad into the situation.

Classic controls

The Classic scheme also uses the bumpers to either advance or return all runners. The difference here is that to control an individual baserunner you would select the base runner using the corresponding face button (determined by where they are on the bases) and then use the D-pad to select which base to send them to.

Auto Baserunning

As the name suggests, this option will have the game control baserunners for you. This is for more casual or newer players, who may not yet understand situational baserunning just yet. When using the Auto Baserunning feature, the bumpers still advance or return all runners if you feel the need to override what the game is doing for you, however you cannot control an individual baserunner with Auto Baserunning turned on.

About James Carr

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