MLB The Show 22 Best Pitching Controls

In MLB The Show 22, the difference between an ace pitcher and someone hurling meatballs might come down to your pitching controls more than your actual skills. Of all the different aspects of the game–batting, fielding, et al–pitching has the most options when it comes to controls. That’s a good thing, as it means everyone will likely find their preference, but the process of doing that can be daunting. In this guide, we’ll break down the many different pitching controls for MLB The Show 22 so you can pick the one that lets you most reliably leave batters looking at strike three.

MLB The Show 22 – Pitching controls explained

There are five pitching control schemes in MLB The Show 22, and like the game’s batting controls, they range from simple and arcade-like to deep simulations of real-life pitching. Some will seem quite unwieldy for novices, so take care to find the one that’s right for you.


Pinpoint pitching is the newest, and, honestly, most cumbersome, of all control schemes. This is the scheme to choose if you’re a veteran of the series and ready for the deepest sim experience in the game. But that experience doesn’t come easily. Like all schemes, you’ll aim the pitch with the left stick, but the hard part is mastering the rest of the process. Using the right stick, you’ll trace a shape within a circle on your screen that’s meant to mirror, in a simplified manner, the throwing motion of a particular pitch.

That means each pitch type has its own throwing motion, and successfully finding the timing and tracing of this scheme is an involved experience that demands a lot of your skills. While this is meant to be the favorite of expert players, personally I find it to be untenable and would only recommend it to the game’s most elite players.


Meter pitching feels a bit old-school, but in a good way, I think. With meter pitching you select a pitch, place it, then press the action button three times–once to start the power meter, once to select the power level as the meter fills, then once more as the cursor quickly fires back to where it started, ultimately deciding the pitch’s accuracy.

If it helps, think of this like kicking in Madden. Better, less winded pitchers will have an easier time nailing both the power and accuracy, which makes this a very usable scheme so long as your pitcher is of a good caliber. That does mean that lesser or fatigued pitchers will have a harder time, however.

Pure analog

Pure analog pitching can be considered a mix of pinpoint and meter pitching. You still use the right stick to sort of trace your wind-up in an on-screen prompt, but this movement is done in a simpler vertical motion dependent on good timing, akin to the meter. If pinpoint is too messy but you’d rather have something more tactile than button pushes, the fluid right stick motion needed for pure analog is a good choice, though I’d still suggest sticking with meter for its familiarity.


Pulse is probably the worst option in the bunch. It’s simple, yet doesn’t make a strong case for why it’s even offered. In theory, the high skill ceiling of pinpoint pitching means great players will eventually prefer it. But pulse is just unwieldy with no upside. After spotting a pitch, you’ll need to hit the action button when a fast pulsing circle is at its smallest size.

The smaller it is, the more accurate the pitch will be, but even with elite pitchers, the circle pulses at such a rate that it’s almost funny. Pulse pitching is hardly more than a carnival game and should be ignored.


Like classic batting controls, classic pitching is the bare bones, simple-is-the-point option for new players or those not looking for anything even moderately complex. With classic pitching you select a pitch, its location, and deliver. It’s nice and easy and is a great choice if you don’t want to worry about all the other mini-games and on-screen prompts offered by the various other pitching control schemes.

About Mark Delaney

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