Diamond Dynasty is the card-based mode in MLB The Show 22 where you collect cards and try to build the best baseball team possible. While this mode certainly favors players willing to spend a little money, there are ways to put together a top team by just playing the game. Here are a few tips to help build out your dream team in Diamond Dynasty.
How to find the best deals on the marketplace
One of the most important parts of Diamond Dynasty is the marketplace, where other players are selling their cards for stubs. While buying packs of cards is certainly cheaper, you know what you’re getting through the marketplace. It’s important to know how to find a good deal, because unless you’re willing to break the bank, you probably aren’t spending a few hundred thousand stubs to get a top-tier Mike Trout card. Instead, you will want to use the filters to narrow down the options.
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Here, you can punch in the minimum and maximum player rating and cost, along with positions and other filters. Knowing how many stubs you’re willing to spend, what position you need, and what a good bump in ratings is, you can set filters appropriately. The best way to maximize your stubs is to make sure you are getting a significant enough boost in rating. If your third basemen is an 80, it’s probably not worth picking up another third basemen below an 85. Once you set your filters, look for lower cost players. You won’t have a team filled with recognizable superstars, but you will have a solid team to continue playing Diamond Dynasty and earn more stubs.
Always pick Sell Now over Quick Sell
Diamond Dynasty is all about opening packs of cards and adding the best players you can get to your roster. This also means getting a bunch of cards for players that you either don’t need or have better players in that position. Since MLB The Show 22 is close to launch, many cards will have two options to sell the card, Sell Now or Quick Sell. The Sell Now option means there is someone on the marketplace looking to pick up the card and the amount of Stubs you will receive is higher than the Quick Sell option. The upside to Quick Sell is that option is always available, but take the better price whenever possible.
Know what the general rating of your players is
Creating the best Diamond Dynasty team possible means opening a ton of player packs and looking at a ton of cards. To save yourself some time and headache, it’s a good idea to have a general idea of what player rating your squad has. If you know off-hand that every pitcher in your rotation has above a 70 rating, you don’t need to bother checking the stats of a starting pitcher card you just got that has a 65 rating. While the exact stats will matter as you hit the higher ratings, when just starting out you are almost always better off taking the better rated player.
Check out Mini Seasons, but don’t expect it to be easy
One of the best ways to earn Stubs quickly is to win some Mini Seasons, where your Diamond Dynasty team gets put up against a set of teams in a miniature season. You play brief, three inning games in a shortened season, which allows you to progress through programs and earn Stubs quickly. This is also one of the least complicated single-player Diamond Dynasty modes, as its regular baseball, just shorter. The only downside to jumping into this mode with your fresh-faced squad is that the other teams are going to have better players. Unless you feel like busting out your wallet, you will need to grind out some Stubs.
Check out showdown mode for a boost in Stubs
Showdown mode is another way to rack up some stubs and get to use some of the better player cards in the game without actually having them. Each Showdown has a series of challenges that you must complete, before battling in a final Showdown. Players draft a team to start and earn bonus cards and perks whenever they successfully complete a challenge. The only downside to Showdown is that there is an entry fee to start one and if you do poorly enough, you could come out down stubs on the other side.