Modders Have Already Added 4K Support For Metal Gear Solid Master Collection

After a lot of confusing messaging from Konami, Metal Gear fans discovered that the HD versions of Metal Gear Solid 2 and 3 included in the Master Collection would render at 720p on PC, making for a poor-quality image on higher resolution displays. Luckily, it took a modder just hours to remedy the problem, PC Gamer reports.

The MGSResolutionPatch, which is just 64.5 kilobytes, was released to GitHub by Sergeanur not long after the collection released. The mod is recommended for resolutions 1920×1080, 2560×1440, and 3840×2160, though Sergeanur notes that other resolutions may also be compatible with the tool, so you might as well try out other combinations.

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While the mod is compatible with the emulated versions of both Metal Gear Solid 2 and Metal Gear Solid 3 that were shipped with the Master Collection, Sergeanur notes that increasing the resolution in MGS2 will result in noticeable bugs to the UI–though it’s likely this will be fixed by modders sooner or later, too. It’s also possible other issues could emerge when using the mod, though that remains to be seen.

Installing the mod requires another tool from GitHub called Ultimate ASI Loader, but otherwise is a simple process you can check out on the mod page. Once installed, players can input their desired resolution using a text editor.

The Metal Gear Solid Master Collection has been generally well-reviewed by critics including GameSpot, with reviewer Richard Wakeling scoring the game 8/10, saying: “Metal Gear Solid: Master Collection Vol. 1 bundles some of the most influential video games of all time in one comprehensive package, providing an extensive history of stealth-action.” The collection has an aggregate score of 78 on Metacritic, though some fans are not as impressed, pointing to issues like the resolution, and the fact that MGS2 and 3 are emulated games seemingly based on the 2012 HD remasters.

Seeing as the collection includes “Vol. 1” in the title, we can expect a second volume that combines the later Metal Gear titles. Dataminers have found references to later games in the Master Collection files, including Metal Gear Solid 4, 5, and Peace Walker.

About Hayley Williams

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